The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh7 - Absorbing Qi


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  1. If I was Master Kitty, I’d wanna beat him up too. He’s such an idiot!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Master Qingtong has been traveling for three months, hahaha right. If they Knew…

    Lord Kitty is willing to stay at Mo Hong’s side, so that means he really cares for him!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Lol well he’s not the brightest but he loves his kitty.

    Thanks for the great translation 😁

  4. Loving your translation. Thank you

    I wonder how Lord Kitty became human? Are the other sect leaders non-human too? 🤔

  5. How do you join discord?? I’m in Australia and states safari can’t open this site😩

    What to dooooo???!!!