The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh68 - Competition


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Translator's Note

Ding Ziyu is 丁子玉 (dīng zǐ yù) Xwic1

while Zi Yu is 籽玉 (zǐ yù).

子 means son/child while 籽 means seed.
籽玉 Seed jade is a type of jade that has been eroded by river water. It’s apparently very rare and valuable?

Translator's Note

忘忧草 (wàngyōucǎo)
忘 (wàng) to forget / to overlook / to neglect
忧 (yōu) to worry / to concern oneself with / worried / anxiety / sorrow / (literary) to observe mourning
草 (cǎo) grass

Chrysanthemum Garden.

While 草 means grass or maybe herb the 忘忧草 is an actual flower, the daylily (it’s not actually a lily). Wikipedia.

It appears in The Classic of Herbal Medicine  神农本草经 (Shénnóng Běncǎo Jīng) and in the Compendium of Materia Medica 本草纲目 (běn cǎo gāng mù), where it is called 疗愁 (liáo chóu), cures worries.
According to these ancient Chinese pharmacopoeias, the orange daylily, when consumed, let people forget their sorrows and eased pain. As a consequence of its relaxing powers, in China, daylilies have appeared for centuries embroidered or drawn on pillows, invoking their peace for bedtime. Source. V9Jk4e

The following is a bunch of tl;dr notes about this plant which is not needed for context, I just thought it was interesting:

In the poem 伯兮 (My Lord) from the Book of Songs, a woman planted orange daylilies at home to forget her worries while she yearned for her husband who was on an expedition. When she looked at them it was like seeing him. Link to poem.

The Commentary on the Book of Songs (诗经疏) said that the daylily is suitable to be planted in the north hall of the house because it is shady. “North hall” ( 北堂 ) or “Daylily hall” ( 萱堂 ) is where the housewife lived in a typical ancient Chinese scholar family. As time went by, “Daylily hall” became a way to refer to mothers.

In ancient China when young men decided to leave home for education or travel, they would plant daylilies in the North hall, with the hope that they would comfort their worried mothers. 6JO3qd

The daylily has another name, yínán (宜男), which means “should be a boy.” Expectant mothers wore daylily flowers on their belts in expectation that they would have a male child.

Translator's Note

万花丹师 (wàn huā dān shī) Lit. ten thousand flowers pills master.

Translator's Note

玄 (xuán) black / dark / mysterious / profound / abstruse

空 (kōng) empty / air / sky / space

石 (shí) stone

Translator's Note

芝兰 (zhī lán) irises and orchids (symbolic of noble character; true friendship, or beautiful surroundings).

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  1. I wonder what the judges will think when Mo Tianliao presents a complete, perfectly made, elaborate… cat house 😂

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤

  2. He truly s to the beat of his own drum. I love it.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. I thought He promised Ding Zijin he won’t participate in this competition?!

    A cat house, hahaha. And Qingtong had keep it. 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. “Profound Space Stone stone” I assume the extra stone is unintentional.

    Thanks for the chapter.

  5. Mo Xiaozhao is so high-mantainance that even his cat litter can be sold for kingdoms 😂😂😂 thanks for the chapter!!!

  6. Lord kitty really is a big extra large vinegar jar!😂

    The cat house will definitely be exquisite after all it’s for his baobei!💕💕

    Thank you so much for the chapter!

  7. Lord Kitty’s name in well-known in the Demonic faction hahaha.

    He’s going to craft a cat house, a cat house!! I want to see the judges’s faces.

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  8. “Qingtong’s mouth curled in derision, the whole demonic path knew that the Demonic Lord Duantian had kept a palm-sized cat as a spiritual pet, one who could not fight nor act as a guardian, one who could only be Lord Kitty.“ <- now this is interesting. From the context, I gather QT smiled in derision at himself, not MTL, or others. I wonder if this isnt foreshadowing for some poot point regarding why QT throughout this entire time is still a kitten, even though he’s a great beast, and obviously a grown up.


  10. I wonder if the guy rolling in the litter stumbled upon some cat ‘treasures’ (pop). 😂 😂 😂 Or was MTL a very conscientious pop scooper and kept his litter tray clean? 🤔