The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh67 - Conference


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Translator's Note

This first section is from the Classic of Poetry The title of the poem is 桃夭 (táo yāo) Peach blossom and it is poem number 6, belonging to the “Airs of the States” section. Here’s a link with some interpretation notes.

Translator's Note

This part is a somewhat modified section of “On the Love of the Lotus” by poet Zhou Dunyi. Here’s a link with the whole thing.

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  1. Not the least Worries about someone breaking the array, just wants his pair bracelet back haha.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. Is this Ming Yan going to be a second ML or something?? How come it doesn’t feel like this author’s style, it seems more like something suspicious about that Xiang

  3. “and was a complete reclusive besides” — did you mean “recluse”?

  4. Who wants to bet?

    sets up stall

    How many chapters would it take for this phoney to die

    1 chapter😂

    2 chapters 😴

    3 chapters🤨

    4+ chapters😒

    Place your bets everybody

    Thanks for the chapter la~~

  5. Ohoho, a thief. Probs gonna get more karma for using his name plus the matching lovers jewelry.

    Thank you for the chapter!!!

  6. I Wonder If Ding Ziyu is gonna recognize Mo Tianliao. He looks the same as before, right?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. MTL couldn’t care less about his old belongings, but how dare that bastard wore the couple bracelet with Qingtong! 😂

  8. Thanks for the chapter! Waiting patiently for MTL & QT to have couple’s wrist guards again 😁

  9. Ooh it’s getting exciting now! So cute of Lord Kitty to guard his master’s house.

  10. MTL be like, ah yea? U got thru my arrays? Good on ya👍


  11. He finally saw the bracelet!!! Ahh, it’s been on my mind for some time, really want him to get it back soon😣

    Thanks for the chapter! 💜😊