The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh63 - Treasure Tree


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Translator's Note

霜 (shuāng) frost
华 (huá) magnificent / splendid / flowery
Or possibly
华 (huā) flower

Translator's Note

有缘千里来相会 (yǒu yuán qiān lǐ lái xiāng huì) Though born a thousand li apart, souls which are one shall meet.

Translator's Note

一步三回头 (yī bù sān huí tóu) To turn to look back repeatedly at every step.

Translator's Note

Lit. Jade Mountain 玉山.

Translator's Note

松鹤长鸣 Some artistic licence taken.
松 (sōng)
鹤 (hè) crane
长 (cháng) length / long / forever / always / constantly
鸣 (míng) to cry (of birds, animals and insects)
松鹤 Means pine and crane, and also means something like eternal/everlasting.

Translator's Note

His shù (庶) brother.
In pre-modern eras, upper-class men in ancient China often had more than one spouse to ensure the birth of a male heir to their assets and titles. In China, a priority system was created to rank the offspring’s entitlement to this inheritance. Under this system, a man was allowed one official wife, called a or Di wife (嫡妻), and her son was called the Di son (嫡子).

A secondary spouse was called a Shu wife (庶妻). A shu wife‘s son was called the Shu son (庶子). Shu sons had to regard the Di wife of their father as their mother and respect her.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

Di sons, regardless of their age, held much higher social status than the Shu sons, and the eldest Di son (嫡長子) held the paramount position over all other children of the house. An illegitimate son, born out of wedlock, was generally categorized as a Shu son, though he would have much lower status than those born to legitimate Shu wives. From:

Translator's Note

天罗地网 (tiān luó dì wǎng) Nets above and snares below; a far-flung network; an escape-proof net; an invisible net preventing all escape.

Translator's Note

A male animal is 公(gong). So male² would be 公公 (gōng gong), the only problem is that this word means eunuch (and also husband’s father or grandpa, apparently).

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  1. Poor da-shixiong xD he keeps getting bullied!

    This is officially one of my fav danmei rn so thank you so much for translating it uwu I hope you’re getting enough rest while translating the chaps

  2. Why do I get the feeling that the half brother was only taking credit from Mo Tianliao’s inventions? The other brother would probably reconciled if they learn that the precious flask was actually a chamberpot hahahaha~ (≧▽≦)

    Thanks for the update 💕

  3. What’s gonna be their faces when they realize they’ve been drinking from a pee bottle lols.

    Thank you for the chapter!!

  4. I hope once Shuang Ren rescues his Sister, they come back to the sect with them.

    It was so funny that the fox described Big Fatty as ‘the perpetually giggly da-shixiong.’ Everyone thinks he’s good only as a footrest.


    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. mo tianliao better get back his bracelet from that ding ziyu! that was the other part of his and lord kitty’s couple bracelet. i would have also love for mo tianliao to participate in the crafting contest and beat both the ding brothers, especially ziyu the duantian imitator

  6. Typo?? In the Mini Theatre, MTL is first called “Woodworker” and later “Woodworking”. I assume that the former is the correct word (and I personally think it’s a lot better than “Carpenter”)!

    Poor Xuanji! That distress over hemp rope not being an appropriate gift between sects 😂😂😂