The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh55 - Misunderstanding


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Translator's Note

破镜重圆 (pò jìng chóng yuan) a broken mirror joined together again—retie a loose marriage knot; reunion of a couple after separation.

Translator's Note

同甘共苦 (tóng gān gòng kǔ) share sb.’s joys and sorrows; go through thick and thin together; partake in each other’s joys and sorrows; share happiness and sufferings.

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  1. I didn’t expect this misunderstanding to result in such good food!! :0 I’m very pleased with this outcome! Also, Qingtong eating vinegar and being all clingy is my jAM!

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Bahahah. Master you dropped my soul 😂😂. I greatly appreciate this man who is so self aware.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. The merkitten hahaha hahaha.

    Qingtong can be this unreasonable? Well, at least Mo Tianliao got to Kiss his beauty and he has a pretext to use from now on: “I’m Just helping you to ease the pain! ‘ hehe

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Great mini-theatre! 😂


    Lord Kitty examines the pendant… “Your soul made it sparkle. Put it back.”

    MTL: 😭😭😭


    😉 Thank you

  5. “For a kitten who had just lost his parents, this slightly foolish guy who was always laughing was his whole world. ”

    Lord Kitty, if you tell this to your foolish disciple, he’ll be beyond ecstatic.

  6. For a minute I thought Qingtong was a big ass for dropping the pendant…but then the next scene with him thinking about how much MTL really meant to him made up for it. The relationship progresses! Thanks for the bonus chapter! Always a pleasure to read 💕🌻

  7. This chapter was a roller coaster😩 my heart dropped with the pendant💔 then alive with kiss, dying again from taishi’s acting all pitiful🤣🤣 then alive again from all the sweetness😩💕

  8. well that was a quick to resolve misunderstanding and i love it!!! and why do i feel like dual cultivation can cure lord kitty’s soul? i mean, just by kissing, he can soothe the soul maybe because part of lord kitty’s soul was merge with mo tianliao. and by that intimacy, both part of the soul ‘touched’ each other and be regarded as becoming one. how much more a dual cultivation can make for lord kitty’s soul, it can complete lord kitty’s soul again