The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh54 - The Way of the Alchemist


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Translator's Note

Mossback turtle:

Translator's Note

斑斓 (bān lán) gorgeous; bright-coloured; multicoloured.

Translator's Note

七彩汉 (qīcǎi) the seven main colours of the spectrum; various colours; colourful.

Translator's Note

From the Tao Te Ching chapter 25. Links to different translations and notes 1 2 3.

Translator's Note

相克 (xiāngkè) Be mutually destructive; (the five elements) have a mutually restrictive or checking relationship.

Be ill-matched according to the horoscope.

Translator's Note

相生相克 (xiāng shēng xiāng kè) reinforce each other; mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements; mutually reinforce and neutralize each other.

Translator's Note

钱 (dlác) mblc / wbcfs
腾 (aécu) ab rbjg / ab ujiibq / ab qgjcmf / ab aegc bnfg / ab njmjaf / ab mifjg
草 (cǎo) grass

Translator's Note

Most of you probably know this but “wearing a green hat” means being a cuckold. Link for the story of how this came to be.

Translator's Note or 天猫 (Tiānmāo), meaning Heavenly Cat, formerly Taobao Mall, is an online retail website operated in China by Alibaba Group. It is a platform for local Chinese and international businesses to sell brand name goods to consumers in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

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  1. QINGTONG IS SO CUTE!! He’s adorable even when drinking vinegar! Also, LMAO @ that whole green “hat” scene xD

    (Btw, tyvm to all those who give coffees bc us broke ppl are also able to enjoy the benefits bc of your contributions <333)

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. He should hopefully know the truth once he sees the pendant?

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  3. I hope master doesn’t destroy the pendant, it’s for him after all. Also, I don’t like that white fox that much, it feels like there’s something fishy about him.

    And don’t even get me started on that dirty Taishi! Ew… shivers

    But on a lighter note, had Duantian realized that he loves Xiaozhao? Well, he calls him Baobei, right? So… 🤷

  4. Thank you for the extra chapters!!

    Who is Zi Mo again? I can’t keep track of Xuanji’s disciples 😂

  5. Qingtong is gonna throw away the pendant?! Haha. I wanna read his reaction when Mo Tianliao tells him It’s not for the fox.

    Thanks for the chapter!