The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh52 - Nine-Souls


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Translator's Note

自作多情 (zì zuò duō qíng) to imagine oneself as the favourite of one of the opposite sex; be under the hallucination that the other party is willing; self-sentimental; proffer a love which is not reciprocated.

Translator's Note

霜刃 (shuāng rèn) Frost blade.

Translator's Note

蔽 (bì) to cover / to shield / to screen / to conceal

银 (yín) silver

Translator's Note

寒霜安寒 (hán) cold / poor / to tremble/ fright v3I2g0

霜 (shuāng) frost

安 (ān) content / calm / still / quiet / safe / secure / in good health / to pacify / to harbor (good intentions) / security / safety / peace

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  1. It’s good we finally know the fox’s name! And that he’s gonna rescue his Sister! I was Wondering What happened to the other fox.

    Mo Tianliao knows no Boundaries, huh?


    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. I mean, taishi was indeed made by a demonic cultivator lord.. as is master, so is the divine(?) weapon I guess..

    But seriously. Taishi, learn some boundaries mate hahaha (been a while since i enjoyed a danmei THIS much)

  3. Mo Tianliao stared fixedly at the boy for a while. Slowly, he raised his hand and rubbed his head. “OK, I’ll try.”

    In the nearby forest, a beauty dressed in snow-white mermaid silk stood behind a tree, quietly watching this scene. He silently turned around and left.


    You’re Dead, MTL. You’re Dead.🤣🤣