The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh47 - Internal Demons


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Translator's Note

道(dào) =way/ road/ path.

Translator's Note

家破人亡(jiā pò rén wáng)

The members of one’s family are partly dispersed and partly dead; death and destruction to sb; family ruined; One’s family is ruined and all of its members are dead.

Translator's Note

敛财(liǎncái) accumulate wealth by unfair/illegal means; extort/grab money.

Translator's Note

树欲静而风不止 (shù yù jìng ér fēng bù zhǐ)

Things don’t occur as people wish.

Translator's Note

When it says soul it means 魂 and 魄 (hun and po). 51ZG K

Translator's Note

I imagine this is the cultivation equivalent of cotton wading.

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  1. Ah so he will give SDa fake and keep the original. Dangerous.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. Lord Kitty knows what are Mo Tianliao’s antics already! He can’t impress him, hahaha.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Typical cats.

    “I’m exhausted and stressed out and sad, and can’t get off the floor!”

    Kitty: Oh, good, then you won’t disturb me when I do my Very Important Things.

    “I’m doing very important things that need to be done very soon!”

    Kitty: Hey. Hey. Hello? Look at me. Look here. I’m right in front of you. Why are you not looking? * shreds Very Important Work *