The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh41 - Swindle


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Translator's Note

黑魇狮 (hēi yǎn shī) Meaning black/sinister/dark nightmare lion.

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

The original reads: 眉若斧削,鬓若刀裁,剑眉星目,气质斐然.
The first part probably comes from “Dream of the Red Chamber”, chapter 3. At least the part about the hair on the temples.
剑眉星目, eyebrows like swords and eyes like stars, describe a certain kind of heroic, valiant and upright look.

Translator's Note

暴殄天物 (bào tiǎn tiān wù) recklessly waste God’s good gifts; a reckless waste of grain, etc; dissipate; let sth. go to waste.

Translator's Note

Heavenly Tribulation (天劫 tiānjié) (重劫 zhòngjié) – in some novels, a trial encountered by cultivators at key points in their cultivation, which they must resist and ultimately transcend. Because immortal cultivation (generally) goes against the Will of Heaven, the Heavens will send down tribulations to oppress high-level cultivators who make progress towards Immortality, often right when they enter a new cultivation stage. This typically takes the form of a lightning storm, with extraordinarily powerful bolts of lightning raining down from the Heavens to strike at the cultivator.

Translator's Note

点化 (diǎn huà) Magic transformation performed by a Daoist immortal.
According to Daoist legends, immortals can use magic to enlighten things or people into immortals.

Translator's Note

太极Taiji, lit.: ‘great pole’ is a Chinese cosmological term for the “Supreme Ultimate” state of undifferentiated absolute and infinite potential, the oneness before duality, from which Yin and Yang originate.
Taiji is understood to be the highest conceivable principle, that from which existence flows.

Translator's Note

神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛 Lit. If gods block the way, kill the gods, if Buddha blocks the way, kill Buddha.
It comes from the famous koan “If you meet the Buddha, kill him.” (逢佛殺佛) by Linji.

Translator's Note

You might have seen this in other novels or historical dramas, the executioner spits a mouthful of wine before a beheading to ward off evil beings.

Translator's Note

Original was 妈了个辣子不开花. I appreciate better translation options.

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  1. …I unexpectedly feel a little pity for this old friend who was so easily fooled.

    And sighs MTL…. to think even your friend acknowledges your obsession with your cat and doesn’t recognize you unless you behave like so… you really reached the peak with Xiaozhao’s cat form, huh. Might as well reach the peak “closeness” with his human form too since you’ve already started it xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. Wow, so many chapters at once! Thank you very much for the translation ❤

    Lord Kitty pretends to sulk but still accompanies Mo TianLiao and helps him on his swindling mission 😊

  3. A good friend/customer had just been swindled… for hundreds of years (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

    Doesn’t Mo Tianlao’s oddities kind of act as a check and balance for the people using his powerful creations though? tries to put it in a nicer way, even though the real reason lies with aestheticsYaaay, shizun is floofy again~

    Thanks for the mass update ╰(´︶`)╯♡

    • I wouldn’t go so far as to call SD a friend, at least not according to MTL (more like a useful idiot) SD did have some respect for Duantian as we’ll see later. This respect will be expressed in a truly ridiculous fashion.

  4. lol. Poor guy hasn’t been able to properly use his weapon all along because of someone else’s aesthetics 😂

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. I just noticed that using the old chinese way of describing appearances for people always includes some type of flower or celestial when describing females and weapons when describing males 😂 no one realistically cuts their eyebrows with an axe and their hair with a sword, its so awkward to use and very dangerous, why can’t they just say “perfectly cut with a sharp item” or something 😂😂😂

    And why are the people around MTL and MXZ so gullible and easily manipulated 😂😂😂😂 or are they just too good at lying and manipulating people? 🤔🤔


  6. I wasn’t expecting another chapter! Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  7. What does it mean when they say “xxx has MET xxx”, for example when MTL says ” Junior has met Lord Shi Di” as a greeting/salutation? Sorry just curious as I have not seen this kind of greeting before in other xianxia novels. Thank you for the extra chapter!!! 💕😊

    • It’s just a way of being polite. Perhaps it sounds odd in English but I also didn’t want to have too many translator notes.

  8. I Just saw there’s another chapter!! Great!

    This poor Shi Di is really gullible, but he’s taking advantage of this ‘nephew’ so I don’t feel Bad for him.

    It’s hilarious how that big lion is scared of Lord Kitty. Haha

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Haha the lion is so funny! Thanks for the chapter!

  10. his explanation was so plausible that if i didn’t know the truth, i would have gotten scammed as well 😂😂