The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh11 - Gift


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Translator's Note

original text 虹桥, can be translated as rainbow bridge but i’m translating it as bridge as it’s actually just a fancy bridge

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

author used some fancy term to describe this, having this kind of architecture was a sign of great wealth in the past

Translator's Note

original text was 矮脚长桌, direct tl short leg long table looks like this

Translator's Note

timebun translated it as Master Tianlang but 真人 is a title, doesn’t actually mean “master”, direct tl is basically real person so i’m leaving it in pinyin form

Translator's Note

元婴, timebun tl as Soul, direct tl is original infant, didn’t know how to tl but someone sent a link to wuxiaworld, basically cultivation is qi condensation->foundation building->core formation->nascent soul->immortal ascension

Translator's Note

Mo Tianliao uses 小弟 which is a respectful way of referring to himself

Translator's Note

大师兄, left it in pinyin as it’s big shixiong if translated

Translator's Note

百蝶穿花, direct tl hundred butterfly wears flowers

Translator's Note

original text was 三分笑, which is part of an idiom: 见人三分笑,客人跑不掉 meaning that a person is always nice and smiling, so the guests can’t leave

Translator's Note

timebun translated it as Heavy Cloud sect, but 沃 actually means fertile/rich, and translating sect names into english is kinda weird so i’m leaving it in pinyin form as i think it sounds better lol

Translator's Note

author said he was a 天之骄子, direct tl pride of the sky which basically means he’s a lot better than Mo Tianliao who’s just a normal person

Translator's Note

灵石, direct tl spirit stones, form of currency

Translator's Note

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  1. (つ✧ω✧)つ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑ෆ “Xiaozhao… Xiaozhao! I’m back~”

    At first I was confused by all the caves, party in a cave, pavilions in a cave, sunlight shining on Mo Tianliao there, and the three cave masters- then I realized it’s usually translated as ‘peak’ and ‘peak master’ 😅

    Translator churrosrgr8-san, can you please recheck this? I don’t know chinese, but the usual words used to describe the sects’ main areas are peak, abode, hall, palace, etc, and caves are separate areas in the mountain where they go for secluded cultivation.

    And thank you so much for picking up this novel to translate!💖💖💖

  2. Thank you for the translation! 💕

    So many subtle hidden currents between the powers and wannabes in the sect. The gifts though… an ordinary bell and a length of hemp rope, they’re perfectly matched! 😂

  3. yay this amazing novel is back! thank you so much for the chapter, keep up with the good work 💖

  4. It’s back!!! Great, news!!

    Mo Tianliao won’t find his cat, of course. Hehe

    Thanks so much for pick this novel up!! I’m so glad.

  5. A Oh, I’m so happy that you’re continuing this project. I was looking forward to it.

  6. Thanks for the chapter 😊😍 I’m so happy you picked this up! Really like the translation. Only confusing thing is regarding the peaks, peak master thing. But the rest of the changes are great! Especially the images for pavilions, etc.

  7. Okay since no one wants to mention it. Am I the only one who finds it suspicious how one master gives a bell and another one gives rope?

    Or am I just tainted?

  8. Those gifts! 🤣🤣🤣

    Really what is up with these masters!