The White Cat's Divine Scratching PostCh101 - Fight


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Translator's Note

Qingtong used the word 嫁, which is used to refer to a woman marrying out of the family, to a man.

Translator's Note

chole: I’m like only 90% sure about this, but I think Tianliao wanted to say No at first because he was the one who gave the betrothal gift to Qingtong. Betrothal gifts are aka ‘bride price’ paid by the groom to the wife’s family. So I think he wanted to insist that he was the groom and not the bride, because Qingtong asked Tianliao if he wanted to 嫁 (woman marrying man) to him, thus Qingtong was suggesting that Tianliao was the ‘bride’ instead.

Translator's Note

Tianliao used the same word 嫁 here, so I guess he later found that it didn’t really matter who was the bride or the groom

Translator's Note

this first ‘marry’ he used is 娶 (qǔ), which refers to a man marrying a woman.

Translator's Note

this second one he used is 嫁 (jià), which is the same word Qingtong used just now, meaning woman marrying man. (so basically, tianliao is suggesting that he can only be married to qingtong, and can never be the bride or the groom of anyone else )

Translator's Note

not the real torture but the ahem torture, in case the readers are too pure

Translator's Note

means that when somebody is no longer in a position of power, others will naturally cease to fawn upon him and choose to follow others instead.

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  1. Heh he may only love his kitty but he seems to have a soft lace for spiritual beasts in general.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  2. Just binge read this whole book…now I have to wait😢.

    Thank you for the chapter. This story is so funny and cute. I love Lord Kitty’s badly disguised jealousy over relationships that meant absolutely nothing to MTL.

    • It really feels that way! At some point Tianliao has got to realize that fucking someone hard enough to where they legit cannot get up the next day is a bad thing. Like that sex has got to be brutal if Qingtong can’t even get up despite all his immortal power.

      Why is this brutal sex and, quite frankly, thiz archaic idea that the bottom is just a toy to be used such a praised trope in BL? Ugh.

  3. I’ve noticed in BL novels the “bottom” rarely expresses any need or desire for sex. And the fact Qingtong has never said he wants sex, more to the opposite, it is a bit disturbing. Idk if I can root for the two of them anymore because of this fact. I’ll grit my teeth and read to the end but yikes.

    • I agree. I also don’t understand why one of the lovers in BL has to be unwilling or at least just “putting up with it”, or why the act has to be brutal and painful. (If it’s that painful, they’re not doing it right!) It just looks like abuse to me, and I don’t find it “hot” at all. Kind of makes me relieved that we’re not getting the uncensored version… This story was very cute and fun in the beginning, but now I’m not sure that I even like Mo Tianliao anymore 😅😅😅

  4. Did he really just fat-shame his own servant 🙄 If they are loyal and do their job well, why do you have to care about that??? It’s not like the Woyun sect recruiting beast cultivators, that was a valid reason to pick the pretty ones since shapeshifted beasts are extraordinarily handsome. But this just seems spoiled and petty. He doesn’t recruit slim and pretty servant so that QT won’t get jealous, but then he wants to cover their faces with masks, so he won’t have to look at them… Ugh. MTL, you’re a terrible person