My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayChapter 52.2


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Translator's Note

Fragmentation, also known as splitting, as a method of reproduction is seen in many organisms such as filamentous cyanobacteria, molds, lichens, many plants, and animals such as sponges, acoel flatworms, some annelid worms and sea stars.

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  1. throws confetti


  2. I wonder who posted “it’s true”

    Sounds like Marshal taking over the account. Or maybe it’s just me….

    Tang Tang seems to be a bit more elusive and the last statement felt imposing like the Marshal

  3. A very special day for Zong He! throws confetti

    Oh Tang Tang, your two word statement is so beautiful!

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  4. Congratulations to the marshal!

    Finally get to eat his fill *wiggle eyebrows*

    I can’t believe this is going to end soon😢😢

  5. So would their be a Little Bun in this novel? The deed is done, the revange had been achived and hidden identities have been brought to light! What is left if for the Married couple to have children!

  6. I feel bad for the crown princess :c he was manipulated and used his whole life, forced to take up someone else’s identity and in unrequited love but when only wanted a simple life he was punished for not wanting to bring his abusive mother along (after he’d asked her and she’d insulted him to his face)

    I hope he’ll eventually be given a lighter sentence. Life imprisonment is no joke and he’ll suffer it for much longer than the real perpetrators because he’s younger :/

    Thanks a lot for the chapter, I really enjoy this story and I’ll be sad to see it go 🙂

    • I agree. Tang Tingye wasn’t fair to Tang Yu. He’s not filial to his manipulative parents = he deserves the same treatment (lifetime imprisonment) as the people who manipulated him? Tang Yu didn’t have a choice who he was born to, and I didn’t see Tang Tingye stepping in to save his little brother being sent down that path… (Maybe Tang Tingye tried to save him, but so far, it hasn’t been shown. And maybe Tang Tingye will change his mind later about the punishment, but we’ll see.)

      • Tingye doesn’t have any younger brother. He’s the baby in Tang Wan’s memory dream. Tang Yu is closer in age to Tang Wan, that’s why he could take his place. Tingye was just being sarcastic about the filial part- if the excuse for all your crimes is filial piety why are you trying to abandon your mother now? Yu never tried to help his brothers. Even if he was manipulated he was too comfortable obediently playing the role of crown princess. He only thought of running off to live a simple life now that he realizes there’s no way left forward. Besides being an id thief, standing by and letting several crimes be committed also makes him a criminal. Even if he has regrets I’m still not sure he feels any guilt or horror for what he participated in. I do feel bad for him though, and for his wasted life and potential. I think if he got a chance to start over someplace else away from negative influences he’ll be able to ‘be’ himself and even find someone to love. I hope Tingye eventually changes his mind.
  7. I feel bad for the impostor crown Princess, he was forced to be someone he never wanted to be. I hope he will also found love and a dream in the future.

  8. The big cat finally ate meat but I can’t really enjoy it because of what happened to Tang Yu. The dad and mom’s revenge was satisfying but not Tang Yu…he’ll never get to be his own person? He was more of a victim than a perpetrator…

  9. Why do I feel like Tang Yu’s situation has hints of Yandere incest.

    Like Tingye is obviously cruel and a tad insane. He also has an unhealthy obsession with his brother. Now he’s not letting “his brother’s substitute” leave forever. Really, he’s gathered his entire family (except Tang Wan) and made them stay. Taking away all power for them to leave or hurt him. It’s a bit creepy in that light. Maybe I read to much BL, but I can see this all going very very wrong.

  10. I feel bad for the Crown Princess. I hope he could at least have a chance with the Crown Prince. Maybe, the Crown Prince doesn’t necessarily hate the Crown Princess? After all, he didn’t explicitly stated he doesn’t like the Crown Princess, right? Maybe he was just prejudiced after he found out everything? But the Crown Princess genuinely likes the Crown Prince.

  11. …why… The details of the intercourse was so good really, I could right it down again, here, “…” So good right???!!!

  12. I feel sorry for Tang Yu – he doesn’t even have his own name. But yeah, he never once rebelled? Nah, he needs to be kept an eye on. Though for his whole life seems too much, send him to the army. In face send them all to the garbage planet.