My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh52.1 - I Am Simply the Marshal’s Wife


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Translator's Note

“Sweet-and-sour” is 糖醋, and 醋 is “vinegar” (as in ‘jealous’).

Translator's Note

一碗水端平 -> deal with affairs fairly without favoring any party

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  1. Empress was so good. I’m glad that the imperial family was close to ZH.

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Thanks for the chapter! It looks like the imperial family will be a good ally. I do feel a little sorry for the half-brother who was forced to replace Tang Wan. He may have gained benefits, but he wasn’t given any choice as a child, either. I hope they find a way to break the engagement that doesn’t destroy his life. I love the interactions of our couple though!

  3. Maybe his little bro would be a good match?


    • Nah, little bro will be the little duke so he can’t be the crown princess. But there really haven’t been any side character that would be perfect as the prince’s pair 🤔

  4. Tang Wan’s identity as the Marshall’s wife is finally out! And i knew that Crazy Lou Bai would be someone important! It was little duke! 😍

    Thank tou for the chapter! 💕

  5. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px ‘Helvetica Neue’}

    Thanks for the chapter! So glad that for once the imperial family is not made of useless, nasty people…

  6. They handled it well, felt a bit sorry for Carlos, but he only knew Tang Tang briefly. I wish him luck. He must be such a pretty cat.

  7. This is a heartwarming chapter. But I felt a little sad for Carlos. I hope no more dwelling on him, because I might felt sorrier for him and think of the what-if of him and Tang Yu…