My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayChapter 51.2


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  1. Duke Tang was an arrogant and self-centred patriarchal male. He was born as the rightful heir to a powerful family and was not taught how to feel empathy or unconditional love for his family.

  2. Haha, he got what he deserved >D The little brother is funny. Now is the question what he will do with the fake Tang Yu.

    Thx for the ch \(≧▽≦)/

  3. Poor (psycho) Major General Mervyn didn’t get to fight. Give the frustrated man a kitty to hug. 🐱

    Thank you

  4. … Vinegar Pot incoming


  5. I dont know why I am kinda disappointed in Tang Wan and Zong He in this chapter. The fact that Tang Wan didnt really care about Ting Ye made my heart ache plus the arrogant attitude of Zong He towards Ting Ye. Ting Ye is really good, he did all he can do to get revenge for Tang Wan. I understand that he doesnt want anything to do with the Tang family but he cant just abandon Ting Ye like that. 🙁 thanks for the chapter.

  6. The nerve of Duke Tang for calling his children unfilial – you ruined their lives with your own ignorance and immorality. Are they supposed to accept it? Scum.

  7. I had so many I wanted to comment but at the end all went puff! Instead, Tang Yu/Wan was destined for cats huh! Zong He tiger and Carlos should be a heterochromia cat too right?