My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh42 - I’m Drinking Vinegar, the Uncoaxable Kind!


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Translator's Note

加油 -> To cheer on

Translator's Note

卧虎藏龙 – > Hidden talents

Translator's Note

It doesn’t sound dirty in Chinese, I promise

Translator's Note

亲 -> ‘qin’ Dear, can also mean kiss

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  1. Under the crouching tiger and hidden dragon note, there is a lot of text, think part of the chapter? Thank you for the translation!!!

  2. This is sooooooo cute.


  3. The Vinegar Jar Zong He needs some sweetness. Jiayou, Tangtang!

    Readers need some dogfood!

    The chapter is long! Thank you for your hard work in translating! 😍

  4. “Rise to the heavens”… does that mean what I think it means? 😂😂 if not then that phrase has another but very different meaning in my mind fufufu XD

  5. slept when they were supposed to sleep, ate when they were supposed to sleep, took walks when they were supposed to take walks

    – ate when they were supposed to eat

    Rabbits were omnivorous. When they saw the meat, they shamelessly some up to eat it.

    – come up to eat

    Thank you for the update!

  6. I want papapa* 😂😂😂😂

    when can they do it????

  7. Indigestion and rabbits… A match made in hell. Rabbits can go into GI (gastrointestinal) stasis if their diet gets disrupted enough. Basically, without food constantly being pushed through their intestinal tract, the process will stall and they’ll be unable to digest food. It’s often fatal because death occurs so quickly (within 8 hours), and the symptoms are difficult to notice.

    Bunnos are fragile lil babies, you gotta take care of them well.