My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh37 - Someone Stole My Cat!


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  1. Tsk those bastards causing trouble.

    Ji Yan was so adorable and cool! He is perfect as Tang Wan’s assistant.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. haha heavy tastes. XD XD XD


  3. Ahhhh…I just love LBJ and JY. Perfect companions for our MC.

    “I was thinking that I wanted an alpaca.”


  4. Awwww, our meng killing machine…. 🥰

    Thank you very much!!! 😘😘

    P.S.: Iike button, like button, where are you that I can’t find you, ah~~

  5. Hmpf….they’ll see this coming~ dare to steal precious Mulan….hmpf

    I feel so restricted and suffocated 😂😂😂 every time I see a post I like, I ended up going ‘oh…there’s no like button’ like button like button~ my sweet like button~ come back soon~~😆

    Thanks so much for the chapter~!

  6. Tang Wan stomping his feet is the cutest thing ever XD

  7. Typos: The vines continued to grow, <s>typing</s> tying up a short fellow


    The vine <s>typing</s> tying up the short fellow trembled,

    Thanks for translating this story!