My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh34 - Don’t You Like My Family’s Cui Hua?


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Translator's Note

翠花 -> Kind of a teasing, euphemistic nickname

Translator's Note

花心萝卜烂人渣 based off what Zong He says next, I’m going to assume it’s ruder in Chinese

Translator's Note

不显山不露水 -> Hide the key facts

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  1. Wait, Xu Mi is a man? I don’t believe it. and The forecast announces great waves of vinegar for our ML.

    Thank you very much!! 😘😘

  2. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px ‘Helvetica Neue’}

    Thanks for the chapter! Oh my, those signed postcards will be used for profit in some way, that artist is too naive!

  3. Tang Wan is good at money.


  4. ¿Por qué presiento que el clima tendrá fuertes tomerntas de vinagre con truenos de tigres enojados?

  5. Lmao saaaaame I totally thought Xu Mi was a girl. I wonder if it’s just cause of the name or cause of his behaviour too 🤔