My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh33 - Tang Wan: I Am Enough of a Man to Raise You in the Future!


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Translator's Note

Paulik is 波利克(bo li ke), but Tang Wan misreads it as 玻璃壳, or ‘glass case’ (bo li qiao)

Translator's Note

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  1. Ragdolls with queen like attitude? gets a like°!

  2. her name is Empress.


  3. … The ragdoll reminded me of a Queen-like cat I had.

    The first day I got her, I gave her tiny kid self a can of food after feeding my adolescent-teen orange male cat.

    But he still ran and ate the can I placed in front of her.

    Her face. Was filed with ultimate disgust and disbelief at both the male cat and the can of food.

    After I took away the male cat, she just stared at the can like “YOU expect ME to eat THIS”.

    I gave her a new can……

    After that, whenever I feed them, if the orange cat dared to eat before her, she’d swat and glare at him with poise. And he’d retreat. Sometimes, a simple glare is enough…

    And I was so worried that my orange cat would bully her at first… She just climed to the top of the hierachy in minutes.

    Thanks for the chapter!!!

  4. welcome back ↖(^ω^)↗

    wanna touch and spoil the cat too ㄟ(≧◇≦)thank you so much ❤️❤️

  5. tbh he can sell the cat tree and felt for better price, he should claim around 3-5% of each items sold compare to just selling the copyright.. what a waste of money

  6. Speaking as someone who’s gone to law school, the contract portion of the chapter was a little weird. Maybe they do things differently in China, but the representative of the company should have already been authorized by the higher ups to pay 2 million. Otherwise, he’d likely get in a great deal of trouble when he returned. What he should have done if he’d had any issues with the 2 million was say that he’d need to go back and discuss it. Seeing that he agreed in the end, that must mean that he is either a very high person in the company or that he was already authorized to pay that amount, in which case MC should have tried to negotiate a higher price.
    • Based on prior contracts talks, I think Paulick already been authorized to negotiate at least 2 millions (WanWan had said it is just like the cat tree) but as usual businessman always had to try to lower the price. While to be honest, WanWan was just too laidback. He wanted popularity and money making is secondary. With him as a homebody and Lin Bo the house, I think he didn’t aspire to earn so much also so little; it is in between I guess.

  7. ” There was a type of ‘don’t want’, the type that if your wife didn’t want it, then you wouldn’t want it either. ”

    Wow my appreciation of this novel is off the charts rn. I’ve read soooo many Asian novels but why do I feel like that’s the first time I read this? Dunno if I should feel happy or sad (。ŏ_ŏ)

  8. Ok this is now my new favorite and best written novel I’ve read so far. I like the consent is attractive attitude of the author’s.

    I’ll ignore all the Chinese propaganda like I do in every other novel I read….. (But really tho? Mysterious oriental country? And the whole talk on how china is the only remaining ppl in the entire earth….. Well quite Hollywood like)

    Thanks for the translation, you did an amazing job~

  9. Regarding the author’s bait-y bed scenes: she just wants the readers to feel Zong He’s frustration!

  10. Marshal had to run home. Office? What sleep in office? If he didn’t hurry home, his wife will be stolen by little furballs! And I wonder what the Duke Tang family feeling when they saw Tang Wan later; married a heroic Marshall, can “summon” ancients pet and makes millions by sitting infront of camera, and had superb rare healing power that seems on the same level as Zong He 🙂.