My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh31 - The Marshal’s Status


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  1. How is this novel so sweet!? I can’t wait to see Tang Wan use his power more (((o(゚▽゚)o)))

  2. the adorbs are real.


  3. You know…Lin Bo must be loving this. I bet he goes home every night and laughs his @$$ off after watching his master go through all this trouble for this charade

  4. Im glad that bit by bit his feelings are growing.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Umu ¿por qué se comporta como una Elvira?… si yo fuera el pequeño tigre… estaria irritada… él no piensa que él mismo puede casuarle daños, aún recuerdo lo de los testículos…

    Bueno, ¿TW, aprenderá a manejar mejor su poder?… algo me dice que crecera a pasos asombrosos