My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh24 - Young Duke Tang


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Translator's Note

狄仁杰, known for his noble character

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  1. Such a complex family. 😲
    Going back to read the first chapters.
    Thank you

  2. Seems the Duke rly loves his little brother Tang…Hope they can be brothers again, and Tang Wang remembers

  3. hesitantly marks Tang Tingye as an ally…


    • Right, I feel like he’s an ally but it’s hard to say for now…

      Thanks for the chapter! 💕

    • I feel like he’d be TW’s ally in the immediate future but after that…
      he seems too yandere to let ZH and TW like their fluffy life peace QAQ

  4. Tingye feels too obsessive. I feel like he is part of the reason that Tang Wan must hide. Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Can some one explain the chapter to me. I got confused on who is who.

    Thanks in advance.

    • [SPOILERS]

      Original!Tang Wan is Tang Tingye’s full biological brother, and Tang Yu is their half brother. Stuff happened before our Tang Wan transmigrated, and the Tang family conspired to have Tang Yu replace Tang Wan and basically booted him out. Tang Tingye is trying to get Tang Wan back and has been searching for him all this time.

  6. its nice to know that Tang Wan’s biological brother is on his side. I wouldve really felt heartbroken if he weren’t, even if the current TW isn’t the original TW

  7. Ehhh I read it wrong? I thought Tang Tingye is the one marrying crown prince and the oldest. But Tang Yu is the oldest? I got everything in reverse order of this two. So the indifferent beauty Alvin trying to seduce is Tang Tingye? Which is the Xiao Ye OG Wanwan close with? Then… what did Tang Yu means that he and Tingye is half-brother? Zong He said that WanWan’s mother is the first wife of Duke Tang that died. With seniority Tang Wan should be older brother of Tang Yu and Tang Tingye. But it seems he is younger with the oldest Tang Yu. Does this means Duke Tang cheated on his wife? But then, why Tang Yu and Tang Tingye a half brother?
  8. Di Renjie was a Tang dynasty politician but is better known as Judge Dee or Detective Dee, which is why author linked his name to the other famous detectives from pop culture like Holmes and Conan