My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran AwayCh14 - Pounce and Hold Him!


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Translator's Note

running around naked

Translator's Note

傲娇 has more of a ‘tsundere’ meaning

Translator's Note

三天打鱼两天晒网 -> being idle and lazy

Translator's Note

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  1. [“En!” Tang Wan didn’t hesitate to agree, nodding hard. He had been conquered by the fur and his brain was completely offline, unable to respond. Why were the Marshal and Da
    Zhuang so similar?!]
    There’s extra space in the middle of Da Zhuang’s name.
    And Marshal sounds so fluffy! I want to cuddle too! QAQ

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. MC like ML’s beast form~
    Zong He this is your chance to eat and feel tofu!

  3. Tang people look evil, protect Furen!

  4. For the moment, I’m kinda giving Duke Tangs’ family the squinty, suspicious eyes. (≖_≖) I doubt such a family would welcome someone new, who could potentially be a rival for the throne, into the family.

    Thanks for translating~

  5. He… wanted to bathe together. XD XD XD


  6. Zong He is SUCH a calculating tsundere, lol! 😆

  7. maybe I’m stupid because I couldn’t tell that the tang family was bad…

  8. Literally “warm & fuzzy”. I wanna roll on a furry tiger 🐅. If it wouldn’t eat me.
    I kinda like Young Master Tang. We’ll see.
    Thank you

  9. Thanks for the chapter! That sneaky tiger!!! Want a bath with your wifey? & that potential family seems to be trouble…

  10. Marshall wants to bath together!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  11. In order to pursue Tang Wan, the Marshal promised to issue a challenge on the StarNetwork under hundreds of millions of witnesses throughout the Empire, saying that he would beat them until even their relatives couldn’t recognize them.


    What does ZH mean by that? I don’t understand.

    • Weren’t they just talking about someone searching for Tang Wan? scratches head

      The segue was jarring….

      • The raws were 要是想追唐皖, which is a little ambiguous, but I suppose in hindsight it would make sense for it to be ‘to those who wanted to pursue Tang Wan’

  12. Oooh I’m curious about Duke Tang’s brother and the crown prince!!!

    Thank you Translator!!!

  13. Being born in a noble family has good and bad points. Good since you’re rich and privileged, but bad since you might be killed by your very own family. 😈😈😈

  14. “….Tang Wan was about to cry, it was already the pinnacle of his life! He was holding a big cat over two meters long!”

    Hahaha the normal and predictable reactions coming from a cat lover 😻😻😻

    About the Duke Tang’s family please isn’t obvious our poor Mc original body owner was a victim of attempted murder from his stepmother and half brothers …. 😡🤬

    Thank you for the chapters

  15. I Also want to HUG a Big Fluffy Animal !!!!😍

  16. Zhao Feng has completely regressed, let’s light some incense sticks for the brain cells he has lost just to sell meng 😂.

  17. waw Tang Tang’s background looks so complicated ah? and did a certain general just made himself dirty just to be bathed by his wife??? HAHAHAH sneaky~

    thanks for the chapter!

  18. Lol rolling on the soil to get chance to wash together? Zong He falling so hard that the tsundere learn palace harem trick 😂. Tang Wan’s original body past seems complicated~.