The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 83

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Translator's Note

E/N : In chinese, when asking someone if they’re alright, you’ll say ‘you don’t have any problems, right?’, and the other will reply, ‘no’ or ‘no issue’. however, english doesn’t really have an equivalent. Zhou Xu is saying that there are a lot of issues.”

Translator's Note

T/N: Aren’t they mute?!

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  1. The event is much better than previous events in Genshin °w°.. I was quite happy, but also it’s so time consuming and all that resin makes my heart hurt. One thing that confuses me is that they’re nerfing the Childe fight, sure he was hard but not impossible and wasn’t that the point qwq

    I was super surprised by Yan He’s magical d*ck for realz (lmao)

    • Haha, someone mentionned to me that there was a link with nsfw chapters of vfsca… Hmmm ~ Definitely time consuming but at least we have something to do in the game. They’re only nerfing the Childe fight in the quest no for the domain I think? By the way, I’ve always wanted to ask which characters do you have? ~

      • I’m not very lucky with pulls even though I’ve done so many, the only five stars I have are Childe and Venti qwq (and I don’t have any dupes)… I got Xiangling so many times her constellation is maxed, and I also have the usual Fischl, Barbara, Noelle and the main story lot. Besides that I have Ningguang, Beidou, Chongyun, Diona, Sucrose and Xingqiu.

        They’re only nerfing the quest version? I thought the whole thing since they said “fight”.. I guess they didn’t specify.

        Are you going to translate the nsfw version ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ✧

        • I need to find the link first and I have 0 nsfw Chinese vocabulary so~ Venti is best support of the game! I regret that I didn’t try to summon it T_T

      • ehem! The link in please…….

        NSFW of VFSCA in the 1st arc in wattpad (a app) was clear and rated 18 and that is all I know cause they stop. They never updated again. Though I don’t know how the the translator got the NSFW content……

  2. Cut tongue doesn’t make you mute, it’s more cutting off your tongue and making you unable to speak words in the common languages. It’s as good as being mute, right? It’s probably along those lines, after all, it is more convenient to write that they are mute instead of… well, they can’t speak but still make sound??

      • I wonder how they eat? I mean, the amount of times I bit my tongue while eating is uncountable. If my tongue was numb or I was unable to move it, for the rest of my life or till I get an antidote, I would definitely accidentally bite it off! 🥲

  3. Man he’s so cool i can’t wait for him to be released as a playable character. I’m just rushing through this event for the primogems bcs I want to save up for Xiao 💔

  4. New character wearing a hat…

    You mean spoiler? Lol I know his name but yeah haha

    Hehe the spoilers about him are so exciting… 😉

    And yeah his design is top notch!! But I’ve got that guaranteed pity thing (rolled Jean on the Venti banner) so all my primos go to Xiao like mary haha

  5. Oof yea, my heart has totally been stolen by him… but I hope he’s not going to be playable any soon cause I’m currently saving up for Xiao and can’t afford rolling for anyone else ;-;


    thanks for the chapter~

  7. If you’re willing to sift through the massive amount of resources, the Clip Studio website actually has some good tutorials. I think it’s also helpful to read the CS provided guide on all the possible functions of the art program. I want to learn how to use the 3D models!!

    HIS DICK WIGGLES BY ITSELF???? that’s it i’m out what’s happening lololololol. Thanks for the chapter!

    • I checked some popular ones, they are mostly for pc version of the app. I’m drawing on a galaxy tablet.

  8. I’m sorry he has a prehensile DICK?!