The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 73.2

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  1. thank you for the chapter and welcome to the team flozen (and a help of nadralexe!)

    I wonder how the two lovers will compete to become the main wife … ZQ is such a scum, he wants toys, not children and a wife…

  2. Heh, i wonder how the two lovers react once they found that Zhou Xu owned everything.

    Lets see if those lovers would spare the father a glance once he’s poor.

    Ke Tur deserve to be happy. She could still act after divorce.

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • I always wondered how the two lovers would decide who would be the legal wife? And… did they both serve ZQ at the same time? ‘-‘ It’s so weird.

  3. That scum doesn’t deserve to be a father. He knows “like” but doesn’t know things like love, loyalty, or fidelity. He even abused one child to the point he broke and permanently injured his leg. I feel sorry for his lovers and their kids since he has a good chance of throwing them away when he’s bored playing with them, too.

  4. Hello, flozen! I hope ghost’s problem can be solved.

    ZhouQiang is the type of men that just think with their little puny brainless junior :)))) i want to castrate him. See if his brain was functioning without his junior

  5. [I kind of feel like NYT and Zhou Xu can do everything, from architecture, design to business… ‘-‘]

    So it wasn’t just me who felt this way!

    Hi FLŌZEN! I welcome you into this pit~ ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

    Thanks for the chapter ~♡

  6. Thank you for the chapter Welcome to the new translator and I hope everything goes well with ghost

  7. Oh my god the characters in Zhou Xueli’s names…. HAHHAHAHAHHAA school ceremony indeed…

    Welcome flozen!!!!! Congrats on joining the team

    Thanks for the chapter :-))))

  8. Xueli is so so pitiful. I really hope his life will get better, because he don’t live, he survive in fear. And he will always be reminded of his horrid father each time he think about his legs. I am so sorry for him.

    Xu and Ke in the other side are very well and will fastly get the end they wish, aka liberty and crushing the father. I approuve! 👏

  9. Omg what unexpected action! Must be painful!

    I hope all the editors and translators of the novel are doing well! Thank you guys for the hard work!

  10. When I read he changed his mind, I thought he decided to have an actual warm family and look after his older sons a bit. But nooooo, only the new favorites matter. Jerk! The more I read, the more disgusted I become, because he doesn’t really want to be a father to his young children, he only wants to have sons! Otherwise he would not tear them apart from their mother.

    The mtl is so funny. The tool, poor step-mom! And a piece of his sons lol. One half of each and then he combines them together!