The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 37

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Translator's Note

some ancient Chinese governments would have a Right Court and Left Court which (i think) are the two wings of the imperial court

Translator's Note

they censored it… I’m guessing it’s poison from the context

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  1. Thanks for the chapter! =D

    I prefer Chidai and Zhanlan. Red Army sounds off to me.

  2. Please leave the pinyin names because red army doesn’t sound nice. You could put the translation of the English meaning as notes.

  3. good, kill the bastard!


  4. Although it was temporarily suppressed, Qin Zhou’ magistrate Qin Shu Qiang could never feel at ease due to Qin Zhou’s much too large population.

    Zhou’ > Zhou’s

  5. Shouldn’t this death exemption plaque work only once????!!? What kind of bullshit is it that it exempts him from all crimes for the rest of his life???!!?!?!? Even if his life is spared, he should have his possessions taken from him, be beaten until he’s bloody, and be slapped in the most dilapidated prison for all his life???