The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 27

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  1. Hello there dear translatornim ! Its fine and easy to read. I dont really find anything weird but then again my english is also so so. Thank you

  2. Oof, hope he only took the bird for himself and didn’t actually harm it like the original.

    Thanks for the translation 😊

  3. Welcome and thanks for picking this up!!! Yay!!!🤩

  4. Welcome and thank you for your translation

    Your translation is good and easy to understand

    Please take care of us until the end of these stories

  5. that bird better be okay or i’ll be committing some crimes

    welcome, translator!! thanks for the chapter

  6. But… but what about the bird! The innocent bird… please birdie, be safe QAQ xDD

    Thanks for picking up this novel ^w^ your translation is nice to read, I’m looking forward to it owo

  7. Your avatar is super cute and your translation was really good!!

    I feel like the MC is very leisurely? and I feel like big bro will be the ML.


  8. OUHHH he s.l.a.p.s. how lovely

    thanks for the update!

  9. Thanks a new translator, I love writing very easy to read and enjoy. I will look forward to the publications of the chapters. THANK YOU!!! ヽ ( * ´з ` *) ノ.

  10. Thanks for the chapter takoyan!

    Yeah…I also thought the protagonist punishment is too much…I mean he seems to can’t forgive anything. Also, doesn’t he still eat and dress well even when he is bullied. Why the rape….and kill kill…there is so many ways for revenge.

    But the highest problem is…dad..general daddy you are doing a ‘great job’ as a father hhhh

    Is mute older brother cute sweet type?? I want to see him (ノ>ω<)ノ

  11. I wonder if the eldest brother will be the ML. It’d be more fun if it’s someone else, so the MC can have good relationships with other characters, too.

    I hope the bird doesn’t get abused. I wonder if the original protagonist of this world planned to use the bird for something. He was extremely cruel and had such over-the-top retaliation that I wonder if he just liked to torture people to death. He might have used the bird to turn himself into a victim or something else.

  12. Thank you for the update. And don’t worry your translation is easy to understand.

  13. found this novel today and i am extremely happy to see you decided to pick up where amethesa left off! this novel is great and reading in good quality is a joy ^.^

  14. Thanks for continuing to translating VFSCA, Takoyan-san.

    You did well translating and it’s easy to read and understand.

    Oho…here goes the drama. Ha! Drama is the best entertainment. 😌 Wonder who is our ML this time?…

    Thanks for another chapter!

  15. I don’t know why but I feel kind of bad for Ruan Qin. The person I dislike the most is their father.


  17. Thanks for the chapter and thank you for picking up

    So anyone feeling like shadow that flits through is actually the neighbour older brother form when he was general and he is Zhao Xu’s partner everytime?


  18. I always hated the idea of rape or even the mention of it. Whether it happens to the MC, the original owner of the body, or the villains, I don’t think anyone deserves it. In chapter one, it was mentioned that the MC was gang-raped to death in one of the worlds prior to the storyline. 😢🥲. My heart ache. I hate it when authors make their MCs experience rape.

  19. you know illegitimate sons are pitiful. They will develop extreme jelousy and inferiority complexity. They will think Why wasn’t I born from a legitimate wife, why don’t I have equal status, why don’t I have his talent, Why why why. this is why men should stick with one woman but hey this is ancient time with a legal law to have several women. so this story is a bit weird in a sense, I thought he can have several wives? but it seems it’s monogamy in this world.

    it also bothers me how unreasonable is the protagonist of these several worlds. it kinda makes the story bland. it would better if he has some evil goals that use the villain(mc) as a pawn with the addition of removing his aggressive mindset of revenge to payback way higher, that triggers anytime that advertise everyone that they are evil. If the story is so-so just gives me ultimate romance!thanks for the chapter.

  20. “Since you want to use your status to strive for something, then don’t blame me for using my higher status to bully you.” Goddamnit, MC really is black bellied. XDD

  21. I love transmigrators who travel to the ancient times and use their modern knowledge but i also like it when they get face-slapped 😂😂😅😅

  22. They are a lot of ways for revenge, like making their life’s imposible, gaining power and oppress them, etc. But killing and rape… You can even making the go insane, but the rape…

  23. Neither of them are pitiful 😂 To the mc, the og Zhou Xu merely pushed & insulted the protagonist. But for the protagonist, that humiliation spanned several years.

    On the hand, the protagonist was truly cruel in how he dealt with og Zhou Xu.

    Mc Zhou Xu is right; currently, the potential cruelty of protagonist & himself are equally matched. Thus, I pity none of them.

  24. Why did he have to take the protagonist’s pet bird away from him? I mean, I’d be super upset if something I raised and presumably loved was just stolen from me….I dunno, this really bothers me. Maybe because I see my pet as my baby so if this happened to me, it would feel like someone abducted my child.