The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 23

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Translator's Note

spent force

Translator's Note

一声惊雷将压抑的气氛推向崩溃的边缘, I think I was somewhat accurate

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  1. Now is not the time for that, Xia Qingfeng.

  2. Cough, there’s other dead body cough cough

  3. I like this. Short and straight to the point. Sweet.

    Let’s just start the movie. Like who the hell will spout nonsense like “I want to fck you” while talking about serious topic?

    Who else besides the MLs of BL novel? And their wives. The most amazing combination, our favorites to read.


  4. Xia Qingfeng… Nice words! XD

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Any port in a storm?


    • Wao, ML’s straightforward words!

      We approve!


      Thank you for the chapter!

  6. Let’s f*ck!

    Every horror/slasher themed movie ever

    How do they turned on surrounded by dead bodies idk

  7. Wait… does this zombie like Yin Yun?! How does he know him? Also, this zombie seems to still have his consciousness.

  8. YinYun’s the true Novels protagonist–seriously, the so-called offical protagonist doesn’t seem very protagonist like at all.