The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 20

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Translator's Note

Zhou Xu uses the informal version

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  1. so good. TTOTT.
    thank you for the update-su!

  2. Do they really eat the nucleus? As in munch munch? And dang that woman’s face is thicker than my dictionary

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Begone C a n n o n f o d d e r!
    Anyway, thanks for the chapter and your hard work! 💕

  4. No one cares about you btch!

    Thank you for the chapter o((^▽^))o

  5. Babes, why are you guys not together yet? Where is the spark of love at first sight? Thought they realized each other but guess not yet.

    Haha, bit** in your face.

    Thanks for another chapter!

  6. but that didn’t prove that he won’t. <– but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t able to.

    “Eat fast and don’t get cold.” <– Eat, before it gets cold.

    Captains of power teams received food and drink, and were also be given a single room. <— received not only food and water but also obtained a single room.

    People could only flee and run for a while, and they couldn’t find an answer. <– …while, but they couldn’t escape forever.

  7. This b*tch… do you really take people a joke or something? How could she… after using and throwing him to a pile of zombie, still expect him to love her. Disgusting woman.

  8. I was wrong. Xia Qingfeng didn’t sneakily take the nuclei for himself. He just found one and picked it up to give to the researchers.