The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 18

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Translator's Note

批发城不, baidu kept translating and repeating as “wholesale city”, so I figured to switch to “stock” and “area”

Translator's Note

两两一伙 used context clues to guess “groups of two”

Translator's Note

你们那边要是还有, again used context to guess “if you’re still there”

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  1. No sense trying to save face. Just gotta live.

    Thanks for the great translation 😁

  2. haha ML is digging his grave
    MC will get his revenge lol.

  3. haha ML is digging his grave
    MC will get his revenge lol. Thanks for the update

  4. if you’re still there,

    after google speech reading the raw text, i think it’s more on “if your site still have zombie, come and join us”

  5. He had already became aware of a murderous aura, and this feeling even made Zhou Xu feel cold. <– He could feel a murderous aura which made him feel cold.

    but he could still kill third-class zombies. <– but he could already kill…

    ML, you’re loosing goodwill… don’t regret it later

  6. It’s funny that I keep seeing that this project is available to pick up an they already translated almost 8 arcs jajajajajjajaj thanks for the work! I love it!