The Villain’s Face-Slapping CounterattackChapter 12

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Translator's Note

上线, a lot of debate and confusion on this, but I decided on “handler”

Translator's Note

lit. small belly, chicken’s gut (idiom); narrow-minded, petty

Translator's Note

Squares again, so I filled it in

Translator's Note

some weird typos/squares, so I guessed

Translator's Note

First I thought it was Yu Yonglao, but rethought, and decided on Gu Wanwei. If it’s wrong, let me know

Translator's Note

Once again, my guess. It translated as “spiritual style”, but I broke it down with Yabla

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  1. Yeayy!! Welcome back, dear~ Thanks for the chapter😘

  2. I think I know why SY is present on the set.

  3. Thank you for informing us! I do hope you can continue as much as possible but understand that life gets in the way😕

  4. Ahh this scenes are driving me anxious! Did she put a real bullet? It’s an atrocious action!

    Thank you for the chapter! As always, your translating skills are amazing!

  5. why are they so obsessed with him? it’s so weird and forceful. what is with the slapping plan? it doesn’t make sense. it’s just damn right strange.

    thanks for the chapter.

  6. “Zhou Xu never felt that he was a gentleman. Whenever men or women acted unfavorably towards him, he did not hesitate to retaliate. To show pity towards someone else merely because they were of the fairer sex was never something Zhou Xu would do.”

    Ah, yeah. That’s the true meaning of gender equality, dear.