The Wife is FirstCh59 - Cloud City


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Translator's Note

rank/status when placed among those of the same general rank

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  1. Aww HDD cares for them truly.. it’s just that.. your military adviser is really the wang fei~

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. I can’t wait for the truth to spill. Wang Ye smuggled his wifey into the army~ Will the juicy piece of gossip boost the army’s morale or will the jealousy of single dogs and resentment of men separated from their wives be strong enough to overthrow their shameless Wang Ye?

  3. Hao Dadao is gonna cause trouble, huh? But Thanks to him Jing Shao is gonna reveal Mu Hanzhang is his male wife, I guess.

    Xiao Huang can be bullied, but he knows how to retaliate, hehehe.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Thanks for the chapter! Guess it is time for people to know who their favorite military advisor is, lol, because a certain prince just wont stay in his own tent, lol.

  5. Oh ooo. 😳😬 thank you for your wonderful work 😍🙏

  6. Wonder how MHZ will react to HDD.. Excited to know if he will give the same ans again if asked abt his relationship to hubby Xiao Shao 😜

    Many thanks for this update! ✌☺

  7. I actually don’t understand why the military cares so much about Jing Shao’s “illicit” relationship with the advisor? Did not aristocrats that time used to have a lot of concubines? Or is it because the military advisor is too valuable to become a mere concubine?

  8. Thank you for the chapter ❤❤ i love that xiao huang can actually meow 🤣

  9. Nope no no no no no no don’t attack the wang fei! Don’t hurt the wang Fei’s pride and feeling!!

    Thank you so much for the chapter

  10. Cuando se trata de JQ, el IQ de JS baja a 0, este tipo… lo peor es que sepan que es tu WF, pues podria ser usado por el enemigo ya que al no tener habilidad marcial, podrian ponerlo como objetivo y más porque es el cerebro de las operaciones, lo que acabaría con tu ejercito, este tonto enamorado… dudo que el dibujo fuera por lujuria

    jajajaajaja celos de un cachorro de tigre jajajajaaja, me quedo con el gato .

    Este JS… dando comida para perros disfrazada a todo su ejercito jajajaja

    La vengaza del tigre… a mi me ha dado parálisis del sueño, sientes que algo se sienta en la cama, te presionan y no puedes moverte

    Y para completar… ¿salió el gato del bolso? o ¿habrá un mal entendido?

    Muchas gracias

  11. I took a peek at the next chapter’s title and now I’m all excited! 😆 Will they know? Will the rest of the camp finally know?! Lol

    Hahaha rod and meat, is it? Interesting 🤣

    Thank you as always, Dandan and Jules!