The Wife is FirstCh56 - Report of Victory


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Translator's Note

driven to desperate action

Translator's Note

in CN it’s actually 5 pieces lol

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  1. The right protectorate general is a little naive… how can NOT know what happened in Mu Hanzhang’s tent? And to sleep next to the left protectorate general like if it was just normal? Little left knows how to handle him, huh? XD

    I hope Jing Shao doesn’t leave Mu Hanzhang alone… but the army really needs to keep moving.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Success for lil tiger~ so was it also like this before I wonder.. did the southwest and southeast also joined forces (covertly) last time.. hmm.. huehue Hao Daodao will eventually conquer that cloud city haha deym that was fast haha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. Hope they can come up with a solution to move ahead without having to leave the other behind. Xiao Shao wnt be at peace if that happens for sure 😣 Esp with wifey JunQing injured!

    Many thanks for this update! 👍☺

  4. Thank you so much for the chapter…….. but i just literally screamed when i found out this was the last chapter. begging for more meng

  5. How can JS abandon the army for just one person? Well JQ that person is his wife. The wife is first, the country comes second for your hubby.

  6. Little left and little right protector. Love them too

  7. Sigh. I mean, you shouldn’t have gone at it like bunnies the same day your wang fei was seriously wounded in the first place, silly shao 🤣

  8. Uwuwuwu.. Our Wawu is gaining his merits even from a young age, he evn caught an assasin! 😍

    And Wang-er. Haha.. the moment he thought of touching Wang Fei I already lit a candle for him. Wahahaha. !

    And Wang Fei.. huhu.. please dont be hurt anymore… 🥲

  9. Seeing that the scab over the wound was now an ugly tear again, Jing Shao was so angry that he threw down the nearby stool and ordered the guards to immediately go and execute Wang Er.

    Poor Wang Er. RIP. HAHAHAHA

  10. Jing Shao is too irresponsible. If he can’t command the army properly, he should have stayed in the capital. Love isn’t an excuse to mess around with other people’s lives.