The Wife is FirstCh49 - Returning to Camp


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Translator's Note

Butchering is considered low class work and pretty unlucky ‘cause you’re surrounded by death and carnage all the time — being surrounded with death and carnage on the battlefield is more honorable I guess — which is why no one would dare marry the daughter of a butcher’s family.

Translator's Note

Little Yellow

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  1. Thank you so much for the chapter!!😍😍😍😍

    Wonder when everyone will know that military advisor is actually the Wangfei?? Their reaction will be pretty funny.

  2. Am I the only one slightly in love with Ge Ruoyi now?? Just imagine this stone-faced but soft-hearted badass female ninja warrior looking after our Xiao Huang and pampering him UGH

  3. Thank goodness Hao Dadao finally agree to join them.

    Now we just need to see how their strategy will win the war.

    Thank you for the update ❤️

  4. I really love to see how Mu Hanzhang is so relaxed and trusting enough to tease Jing Shao like that, when he was so scared of him before. It’s cute.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. This lil babie tiger is so cute!!! I uwu every time he says “wawu” 😍

  6. Jajajaja el esposo, no quiere dejar a la esposa lejos de él, mientras todos observan esa cercania, ni se imaginan que cierto príncipe, trajo con él a la esposa y le colocó una identidad para mantelerne con él y no piensa más allá de ello jajajaaj.

    Bien, la esposa fue la mejor manera de ganar eso, en cuanto al trabajo, estos chinos, ser carnicero está bien, tienes carne todo el tiempo, no es desafortunado.

    Y… ¬¬ idiota, no agarres a un bebé así y menos lo liberes así, pobre pequeño.

  7. “I think a master who treats his subordinates as dearly as he does his wife is much better than those two-faced literati!”

    Oh gosh, if only you know~

    And JS sucks a big time in naming. Black horse = Xiao Hei, Yellow tiger = Xiao Huang 🤣.

    I’m not sure if this is correct, but I think it is beautiful metaphor for the tiger cub = Hao Dadao. The fall of the tigress (the previous generation General Hao), making the cubs one by one fall too for unknown reason (like the declining of Hao family which is obscure of why), leaving only Hao Dadao (Xiao Hei) which is luckily picked up by JS to be his subordinate (Xiao Hei for hundred silvers). Xiao Hei was muddied like Hao Dadao being muddled all this time, until his wife helped him (+MHZ) the cub was now clean and ready to grow~. I had a feeling HDD gonna be important loyal protector of MHZ in the future.

  8. The whole “wawu” thing made me look for baby tiger roar videos, and they were so cute! But my cats sort of panicked upon hearing them. 😅

  9. i also think, that although both are surrounded with death. being a hero and a butcher each has different prestige.

    xiao shao… is one of the animals in the palace 🤣🤣🤣 quite hot-headed, but love his wife very much.