The Wife is FirstCh44 - Bare to the Waist


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Translator's Note

having intercourse

Translator's Note

because Zhao Meng is kneeling like you would to royalty

Translator's Note

specific term in Chinese because in English, aids/advisors is kind of vague; they’re basically secretary-level staff specific to a household that help a prince/noble scheme and do the dirty work.

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  1. Oof..

    This couple always manage to warm my heart.



    Thanks for the update ❤️

    I’m sure Jing Shao is going to eat vinegar in the next chapter


    Can’t wait to see.

  2. oh my god mu hanzhang and the general, i’m so dead! but this couple… when they made up right at the beggining tho, my heart! they love each other so much, right? this last part was so funny like, i can even see jing shao’s shocked face: jun qing? drinking?? with the generals??? ahh i love this novel so much, thank you for the hard work! 💕💗💘

  3. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px ‘Helvetica Neue’}

    Thanks for the chapter! Having a smart, caring, loyal wifey is a blessing, I’m glad the hubby now appreciates it.

  4. This gave me a warm fuzzy feeling😍😍😍😍

    Thank you for the chapter!!😍😍

  5. ” Every time Jing Shao “ran” to his Wang
    Fei, the specific term used was “ben” which kinda has a happy, bouncy
    connotation denoting excitement, which I thought was kinda cute :3″ – Awww~ that is super cute :3

  6. Thank you very much for the chapter! ❤

    Mu Hanzhang’s making a name for himself in the army and Jing Shao’s learning to be patient and to persevere… Such a formidable couple ☺

  7. Waaaaaah so cute!! I was really looking forward to how Jing Shao would respond to Jun Qing’s reaction to his outburst. And he didn’t disappoint!!!!!!

  8. ° Toda vez que Jing Shao “corria” para seu Wang Fei, o termo específico usado era “ben”, que meio que tem uma conotação alegre e feliz que denota excitação ° omg isso é tão delicado ♡ (> ਊ <) ♡ Obrigado pelo capítulo ♥ ️

  9. Bien, nuestro WangFei supo como castigar sin dañar al general y ganandose algo de respeto, pero… jajajaja cierto WangYe ahora corre a proteger los ojos de su esposa jajaja

  10. I’ve been waited it for so long. Thank u for update. Hahaha, its good that JS not angry to JQ. If it happens, my heart be broken into piece. Good to know that JS its like a baby around JQ HAHAHA

  11. And now Mu Hanzhang has succesfully winned over the generals! He’s really a genius!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  12. Is this cute? Yes. Satisfied? Need more! 😆

    Thank you as always, Dan-dan and Jules!

  13. Jing Shao and Jing Chen are brother goals I swear… ❤️❤️❤️

    Jun Qing and Jing Shao are so precious…