The Wife is FirstCh38 - Punishment by Kneeling


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Translator's Note

 this small official or this humble servant

Translator's Note

because it assumes that Jing Shao will die

Translator's Note

like a heat mirage

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  1. Thanks for the chapter! My Gosh. Mu Hanzhang. Id probably kiss the ground he walks on😂😂😂

    (Why am I like this. Every story Im just thirsty)

  2. Ooooh, I hope the empress will find herself in hot water over this “punishment”! And MHZ is wonderfully quick-witted.

    Thank you for the release! 😍

  3. Good thinking, Mu Hanzhang!!! Let’s see how the emperor punishes that Bad woman.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Acting class important for imperial families..

    Thanks for the chapter

  5. Yea! Drooling for more. Thank you and Merry C

  6. Ah yes, the rub the salt in the wound trick, a classic

    Thanks for the chappy

  7. Mu Hanzhang, your revenge plan is sweet, but don’t forget – your hubby is too distressed to realize that you’re acting, you will have yourself to blame if he treats you like a fragile, dying fairy for the next few weeks.

  8. Hahahahah love how MHZ handled this. Now, Empress how will you handle the situation you’ve dug for yourself?

    Thanks for the hardwork!

  9. 😂🤣Mu Hanzhang! How clever you are! That will teach her not to mess with you again next time!

  10. Con la declaración de JS de solo amar a MH, ha quedado claro que no desea el puesto de emperador, pero la emperatriz se atreve a hacer esto… y da la casualidad de que padre e hijo hablaban de ello… [mirada fría] mujer vas a pagar

  11. Now, dear emperor. How do you plan to solve the mess your incapable, sheming bitch of an empress created?

    Have you ever seen your third son getting really angry? No? Well, now you will have the pleasure to experience it first hand.

  12. The empress thinking that she has the upper hand cos JS is just a prince? No, we have the emperor on our side !! Also MHZ deliberately making the empress look even worse haha 😀 Looking forward to the next chap!

  13. Oh this bitch, she dares make Mu Hanzhang kneel under hot sun and heat just for the sake of a childish “revenge”! Ajdnsnsbdjsnsbsj I’m so pissed! Hope she will get what she deserves.

  14. MH really be out here adding salt to the wound. Yes emperor please punish evil witch for hurting our little MH. Look she even made him faint😭😭😭😭😭😭😏

  15. The empress is so weird first she let him take a male wife and now she’s “worried” about heirs. I hope she get her punishment soon

  16. I have never loved a fictional character more than MHZ right at this moment. 😆 I truly deeply admire the ingenuity of his character.

  17. This empress is lacking gray matter. Even if the emperor wasn’t around, it’s impossible for him not to hear of this. 😅