The Wife is FirstCh37 - Summons


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Translator's Note

Translator's Note

specific term for ministers who speak their minds at the risk of dying

Translator's Note

form of address for eunuchs

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  1. certainly for sure that Empress witch had asked for MH to force him to have JS accepth that niece of her for second wife 😤😤😤

  2. Thank you so much for the surprise release – it’s greatly appreciated! ❤

    I don’t think the fourth prince will be able to distinguish himself, flat terrain or not, since it’s perfectly possible to lose a battle through the lack of military talents. But this empress is a troublemaker, it’d be nice to see her thwarted.

  3. The empress is going to try forcing Mu Hanzhang to convince his husband to accept that niece of her, uuuuuuggggggghhhhh. Hateful.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Aaaah I wonder how MHZ will handle the Empress! Can’t hardly wait for the next chapter.

    Thank you very much for the translation!

  5. This Empress is too unpleasant to the eyes. Just leave the two love birds alone, ah! I mean JS doesn’t even want the throne anymore.

  6. “I only like men now; I can’t muster up any interest in women.”

    Ohh snap!! No wonder the Empress is going to be taking out her anger on sweet MZH. Especially when she thought she could get her niece in JS’s household easily with just the Emperor’s support.

    Thanks for the new chapter!

  7. Muchas gracias y feliz año nuevo 2020

    Uhm… esta emperatriz quiere causar problemas para nuestra pareja… que estaba siendo dulce, hump… vamos MH, tú puedes!!!

  8. Tsk.. That empress. Wasn’t it her, who killed the former empress? Now she wants to either

    – punish MC to force ML to accept a secondary wife or

    – extort MC to coax his husband into accepting a secondary wife OR

    – wants to see the person in order to find a similar looking man to marry into the palace as a secondary wife…

    Someone go and kill that treacherous woman.. honestly