The Wife is FirstCh24 - Ruo Yi


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Translator's Note

coldest day of the year

Translator's Note

specifically a petition from civilians directly to the Emperor to complain about suffering a great injustice from their local authority

Translator's Note


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  1. Thank you for the chapter!

    MHZ, you should have faith in your husband! 😊 But I think JS would be a little happy knowing that his Wang Fei is jealous.

  2. Thanks for the new chapter! Indeed, jealous MHZ is so fun to read lmao

  3. JS… ¿no crees que debes explicar algo?

    En cuanto a nuestro Wang Fei, recuerda también eres un hombre, puedes preguntar.

    [supiro] espero que el mal entendido se aclare pronto, lo único bueno es que Wang Fei está comprendiendo sus sentimientos.

  4. Yes, yes.

    Sometimes misunderstanding is important.

    Go ahead and be jealous, Jun Qing.


    Thank you for the update ❤️

    Really missed these two.

  5. Dan-dan you can’t just tease us like this…! (´Д` ) what kind of fun…? I need to know!! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

  6. Mu Hanzhang is so jealous!! Fufufufu. But he should say something to Jing Shao, not suffer in silence.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. I guess Jun Qing still isn’t completely sure of his unshakable position in Wang Ye’s heart. I hope he’s able to be calm about this soon enough.

  8. Poor Mu Hanzhang, they really need to talk to each other. Jing Shao was quite insensitive on this matter too sweatdrop. Just how could leaving your wang fei to suddenly chase after a beauty look like, huh? And you still haven’t thought anything of it Xiao Shao…

    *feels a lil bit of heartache for wang fei especially if he happens to recall his mother’s words about being favored*Thank you for the update! 💕

  9. Thank you for the chapter, I am really enjoying the story. Your translations are also really good! 🙂

    Just because of this, I want more stories where the male lead is the protagonist – I really like the interactions between JS and MHZ – are they any other novels similar to this? I am looking forward to more chapters – is it just me or are the chapters churning out faster 🙂

    Also, just noticed Alas, it was a pity that all the land in the suburbs already had owners. During that time when □□ was conquered

    Can anyone else see the squares?? Maybe a fix?

    • I’m really glad you’re enjoying the story!!! <3
      Ah, the squares were in the original text! Sometimes authors do that if they don’t want to name an unimportant character~

      Edit: Another title with a gong MC is called Spring Once More! It also has a historical setting and the gong is rather silly lol It’s harem though, with multiple shous I believe

      • Thank you!! I’ll look into the novel you mentioned. I think I accidentally asked Sachyan but who was the author trying not to name with the squares? A real historic figure?

        • The squares are replacing the name of the founder of the country who conquered the lands at the very beginning!

    • Another great gong-protag novel on here is rebirth of the supreme celestial being and another great one on another page is every day boss is pretending to be weak

      • I think I’m already reading most of the novels here on the CG site haha 🙂 I’ll look into the other ones you have both mentioned , thanks for the recs.

        I’m curious though, who was the author trying not to name with the squares? Does it overlap with a historic figure or something?

  10. It is a misunderstanding yet its cute seeing MZH jealous. Im sure JS will be happy to know this

    Thank you for the chapter!

  11. Ahhh~!!! Jealous MHZ is so cute~!!! Oi, Jing Shao! You’re Wangfei is being precious again!😍😍💖

    Thnk you for the update! I’m starting to understand Jing Shao’s need to constantly hug, kiss, and act like a cat around his wangfei~

  12. Thank you for the chapter!

    I wonder when and if JS is going to confess to MHZ that he’s from the future. Otherwise, it would be kind of hard to explain Ruoyi and other knowledge that he has.

  13. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px ‘Helvetica Neue’}

    Thanks for the chapter! Drinking some vinegar, good, don’t get complacent just because the hubby dotes on you!

  14. I’m sad that he’s sad 😢

    Xiao Shao, you, take responsibilty!! Lol

    Thank you for the chapters! 😊❤

  15. Noo clear the misunderstanding!

    Also should ‘ he suddenly jumped off his horse and walked towards the horse’ be ‘walked towards the woman’?

    Thanks for the chapter! ♥️

  16. I love seeing Jun Qing jealousy, it’s so cute! But I hope they will clear this misunderstanding as soon as possible.

  17. aiyooo.. Qing-er being jealous. Hahahha.. Im laughing so hard imagining that this jealousy will definitely bite back on him. lol.

  18. no matter how many times I read this, I’m still angry at Jing Shao for being such an idiot. He already knows his wife is feeling insecure but won’t hesitate to abandon him again and again for that stupid woman, without telling him the reason. Or rather without even realising what he’s doing, much less apologizing. still waiting for the incident named in the summary

    I just want to slap him against a wall.