The Wife is FirstCh19 - A Contemptible Self-Actor


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Translator's Note

Usually meats braised in a special spice mix

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

Figuratively referring to super strong liquor

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  1. Yes!! Jing Shao showed that concubine her right place. She’s shameless, trying to badmouth Mu Hanzhang, ha. Dream on.

    I’m glad Jing Shao is going to stay at his Wang Fei’s side this time. Three years of separation would be too much.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. By the way things are going Jing shao might just as well banish the second wife to the Cold Palace if she doesn’t shut her mouth!

  3. Sis really be out here testing her limits huh ( ╯╬ ̄^ ̄)╯

    Good thing JS finally learned to see who’s really on his side and who’s just tryna use him fo rthier own benefits.

  4. Thank you for the chapter!

    Wang Ye! Great job getting into your Wang Fei’s good graces 😋 (and avoiding the pitfalls from your previous lifetime)

  5. Thanks for the update, n thanks for slapping that wicked concubine!!! Highly satisfied.. (´∇`)

  6. Ahahaha, our Jing Shao is being so cute with his wifey, and Mu Hanzhang is learning to be sassy with his hubby.


  7. I thought SLX is just a concubine? Why is she called Secondary Wife? I can’t accept that she become a ‘wife’. T^T

    • She was taken as a secondary, not official wife before JS married MHZ! Don’t worry though, JS is very loyal!

  8. Wow, just wow. Maybe it’s just me but this book has hints of hating women (except for the Mu Hanzhang’s mother).

    I don’t like Concubine Song but she made a valid point. The prince and MHZ have some properties under their name. The family MHZ could Ave been moved to any of them. It is true the family was loyal in the past but their court rivals can also use this family to spy on the prince.

    Then the slap?

    I dislike Concubine Song but I don’t support domestic violence fro either genders, that’s not gender equality, it’s harmful.

    So far in this series, work are treated like crap (can’t go out, can’t give opiios on raising their children, and if they aren’t favoured, [hey are lonely for the rest of their lives). Somehow MHZ manuvers past this by Beng a male wife. Even the author does not seem to care. The unfair treatments of wives could have made a great obstacle for MHZ to overcome in the plot. Too bad.

    • Wow, Just wow. imagine reading a story with ancient historical Imperial setting in a highly patriarchal societies ruled by one man and be demanding gender equality, freedom of speech, etc….. applying modern westernised perspectives into a distinctly different time period, cultural, and political norms and values of societies depicted in the story and commented about the lack of it..PFFFFT

      Chances are they don’t have human right associations or social services back then….surprise…surprise….

      It is sadly the norm and reality back then that we modern people will never be able to stomach. Even in ancient western history, gender equality and freedom of speech were something far-fetched and hard-earned so what makes u thing it will exist here in the first place? And no, the author isn’t hating on women or justify domestic violence, they just depicted some realistic scenario with an MC that isn’t a flawless white lotus…dealing with a wife whose attitudes displaying her challenging the authority of the prince in the said prince’s household, sounds unfair for women’s rights, ain’t it?

      I’ve seen these kinds of comments in many english translation ancient historical stories, be it straight or bl, and it never fails to make me lmao-ed

      • I agree with your point that it is other times and other morals however i cannot stop thinking well if i was woman at that time i would definitely not die with that guy and ran away the moment i smelt fire…

    • I am in no way justifying domestic violence, but if you familiarize yourself with Chinese novels in historical setting (even C-dramas my grandmother used to watch) and the history of Imperial China, this is actually quite a common occurrence. Chinese novels with historical (fantasy or not) settings have a handful of common denominators: patriarchal society, political intrigues, scandals, war logistics and strategy, and a chunkload of drama. Even one of the four main Chinese classics (Romance of the Three Kingdoms) has these themes in them.

      On the character’s POV, I like that they are flawed and prone to mistakes just like any humans are. JS was probably deeply hurt and betrayed in his past life when his secondary wife betrayed him that he projected those emotions and sided with MHZ. And not to forget, he is still known for his temper in the story. Only shows patience and favoritism towards MHZ.

  9. I’m really amazed by how simple minded idk the word for this MC is. Like conspired against you and lead you to death even then you can talk to them calmly without any vengeful inner monologue wow 😊

  10. Although the narration is childish, I don’t mind this less serious writing.

    Also, it’s funny how it is the prince that wants to climb on his male wife’s bed instead and having a hard time.

  11. He would definitely not undertake this arduous and unrewarding mission this time around., This time would be better spent with his wife. << funniest line for this chapter~~ whipping cream

  12. Y’all I’m just wondering the amout of diseases people with several concubines had like them STDs and all

    That must be the reason they be getting ill early and dying young lmaoooo


  13. And just several chapters after my previous complaint, MC hit one of his concubines just for talking! Talking is only talking, no need for physical violence! She did not hurt anyone,that was just an argument, dude! would you love a person who hit you if he felt like that? Well some people do, the statistics of family violence is a prove, however by current days standards and modern morale this is not a good thing to do, no, do not tolerate that ppl and then accept it as your own fault just bcz you said smth the other person did not like.

    • And then she was punished by not being allowed to go out for a month which is a more adequate punishment for smth what she did than slapping face (by a man who is physically much stronger than a woman) considering they live in a mansion but still, imagine that your spouse would prohibit you from going out of your house for a month… we are so lucky to live now, right?

      • I really like the novel but i cannot stop excusing his wives for not being eager to follow him at any time and circumstances. The one who is in favour now is fine, but the moment she is not, she is hit, restrained, ignored, and there is nothing she can do about it. And while you are still in favour you have to always be scheming how not to fall off the top. Ugh, i just cannot really hate them knowing their circumstances.

        • So once again ppl lets take a moment to appreciate that we live at times when physical violence is not considered to be a good thing (at least officially). Unless it is government who does that. Then it is ok.

  14. Pushing the dangerous task to neither his elder brother or fourth Prince is hilarious😹😹 Jing Shao be like i have already suffered in that place in my past life you guys go have a taste too 😹😹😹