The Wife is FirstCh18 - The Small Assistant Minister


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Translator's Note

Specifically this kind of twisty/warped Chinese bitter orange tree

Translator's Note

Also used to address the wife of a diplomat

Translator's Note


Translator's Note

This porridge is fancy and has yummy bits in it, but plain glutinous rice porridge is also good~

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  1. Hi, a part of the translation seems to have ended up in the translation notes. In this line, “Hello ”Fu in his hands down for him to eat, and also ladled out a bowl of fragrant glutinous rice porridge .”

    • Hi, i can’t understand this sentence:

      (he was part of the Second Prince’s Imperial Mother Concubine’s family -Speaking of it, he and the second emperor’s mother, the South Marquis Ding and the Xiao family had a common ancestor) 😭😭😭

      • Oops so sorry about that! There some unedited pieces but I went back through to retranslate and make it clearer. Hopefully this makes more sense: The Assistant Minister of Revenue is surnamed Xiao, and his name is Yuan, courtesy name is Heng Zhi. Speaking on this, he was related to the second prince’s mother, sharing an ancestor with the Marquis of Dingnan’s Xiao family, but they were already distant relatives of five generations. Xiao Yuan’s conduct was noble and virtuous, and he was, from the beginning, unwilling to climb the ranks using his relatives.     

        • Wait, I though the order of princes was:

          Jing Rong, 2. Jing Chen, 3. Jing Shao, 4. Jing Yu.

          Shouldn’t the 2nd prince’s mom be Empress Yuan?

          Also, is the Xiao the same as Consort Xiao?

  2. Thanks for the chapter ☺

    “I didn’t do anything last night…” this side couple, is the wife actualy the husband??

    🤔😏 and he behave a bit like a rouge hehe

  3. Thanks for the chapter!

    It’s so funny how he came to the restaurant just to ask for sextips 😂. Mu Hanzhang better prepare his chrysanthemum! Also that concubine should lose her face 😡 , she don’t know what she’s getting into…

    • So that’s why this site is chrysanthemum garden, I’ve been wondering why the story here is malexmale.

      I’m not really into this kind of stories but I find this one interesting.

  4. Mu Hanzhang is going to enjoy bed soon. n. n

    That side couple… I think Zhou Jin is actually the gong, hahaha.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Didn’t Xiao Yuan scammed Jing Shao? XY seems to not be one who subduing his male wife but the other way around~

  6. Thank you for the great translation!

    Madam Song seems hell-bent on getting into hot water… But then, she’s probably frustrated that the prince has stopped visiting her and wants to vent it.

    P.S. I’m really looking forward to Jing Shao implementing the strategies to coax the Wang Fei into some snuggling ☺

  7. Hi there. I just thought I’d let you know that I absolutely love this story, and I also absolutely love this website. I appreciate the fact that being able to read stories here provides me with a means of relaxing when I’ve had a particularly tough day during clinical rotations and/or my own weekly medical treatments. It’s good to have access to things that successfully occupy my mind and help me relax–you have no idea :). You guys are awesome, and I feel that there is nothing I can say to properly express how grateful I am for all of your hard work. That being said, all I can manage to say is a simple, heart-felt “Thank you! Please keep up the good work!” ^__~


    • Wow… when I first started translating, I knew that I wanted to share the novels I love with as many people as possible–I just never imagined that there would be so many readers and people who enjoy them. It makes me unimaginably happy that by simply making use of a language I grew up with to translate stories, it can help you relax and hopefully immerse yourself in another world for a short period of time~ Comments like yours keep me motivated and I’ll make sure to keep working hard! <3

  8. god, everytime i read “wife” i think of a woman. in the west, a gay married couple is husband and husband, but it seems like danmei is still very heteronormative.

  9. i need all the juice on that cute side couple. IS THERE A SPINOFF BY THE AUTHOR, IT’s A LITTLE URGENT, WAITING ONLINE

  10. Side couple: the wife is actually the gong.. lol.

  11. My admiration for you reaches to the moon 🌙

  12. Hahahahahaha so funny! Jing Shao quickly became friends with Heng Zhi just by chatting about their male wives. Such a carefree personality! Hope to see them become closer friends in the future, and it’ll be really good if Jun Qing becomes friends with Zhou Jin.

  13. Speaking on this, he was related to the
    second prince’s mother-in-law (not mother), sharing an ancestor with the Marquis of
    Dingnan’s Xiao family….

  14. I know this translation is 3 years old, but doesn’t it make sense to use “manor” instead of “palace” when it comes to other residences that isn’t the imperial palace?