The Wife is FirstCh13 - Salt Trade Certification


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Translator's Note

Like Mu Hanzhang hehe

Translator's Note

Something like this; more info here:

Translator's Note

Chinese term used is specific to elderly

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  1. .(๓´͈꒳`͈๓).❤ so cuutee

    Thanks for the chapter! ^ ^

  2. Thank you for the chapter!

    Oohh… That concubine’s plot…what trouble is she cooking for our MC’s precious consort?!?!

    • Probably steals money and them blame it on him.

  3. Thank you for the chapter ❤️ maybe for curing the nightmares of parents like folk tales are meant to?

  4. Ugh, those concubines are despicable. Why should they cause troubles for Mu Hanzhang?

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. *sigh* Those concubines are about to dig the biggest graves for themselves…

    And also…a…an audio drama, you say? 🤤

  6. It’s so unfair that you fight for your country, but treated like a children’s horror story. 🙄 I guess I could understand why cops complain about being used to scare children.