The Wife is FirstCh12 - Serving at the Bedside


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Translator's Note

Chinese metaphors are always so strange but the euphemism for menstruating is like “flowing sunflower water” or something LOL

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  1. Spicy sounds promising, if you add hot it would be even better (ღˇᴗˇ)。o♡

    Thanks for the chapter! ^ ^

  2. I appreciate that they don’t just sweep it under the rug, altho I wonder what Shao is going to do about the schedule.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. awww. it’s all your fault Jing Shao, u hurt him too much on the wedding night.

    Thanks for the chapter! They are too cute.

  4. Thanks for the chapter ^_^
    Super spicy 🌋🌋🌋

  5. Yay, an update! I was waiting, and this is lovely. looking forward to what’s next!

  6. An update! Its an update! Thank you translator!

  7. It’s been a long time but I’ll wait for you.

    Thanks for the chapter

  8. Thanks for the chapter. It’s seem Jing Shao as to work hard to break Mu Hanzhang defence wall.

  9. I’m excited for that spiciness!
    Thank you for the chapter!

  10. Phew good thing you added that little note at the end I was feeling very unsatisfied 😤🤣 thanks for the update 💕💕

  11. Thank you for picking up the translation ❤️ I found the story today and read through. I wonder if Shao will listen to the peony book 😅 I don’t think he will take too kindly to it.

  12. I’m glad Jing Shao is going to take it slowly. Mu HanZhang must be willing, and this time he’s still too afraid of doing that.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  13. I was debating if I should read this or not when I see the angsty tag, but it’s unexpectedly fluffy

    • I’m actually reading along as I translate and at the beginning it was kind of angsty, but I might remove the tag later because it seems their relationship gets better super quickly!!! <3

  14. Thank you for translating this novel, I enjoy it so far. ^^

    Ps: until this chapter, I realize that JS has so many names: Jing Shao, Jing Hao, Jing Yan, Cheng Wan, Wang Ye, Shao 😅

    • Lol lemme clarify some things~

      Jing Shao is his courtesy name, Jing Hao and Jing Yan were typoes ;-;;;

      Cheng Wang is a title JS received for being good at fighting and doing meritorious deeds~

      Wang Ye = Prince, what people call and address him by

      Xiao Shao is his nickname/pet name meaning Little Shao (second character of his name, but MHZ changes it into a cute homonym which means Little Spoon)

  15. thanks for the chapterr

    not fond of mhz having to apologise for his ptsd after being violently r**** and js being a little miffed about said ptsd :/ at least say it was your fault lor babi pukimak


  17. It’s only natural for Jun Qing to be hesitant about making some papapa with Jing Shao, after all his first night was really terrible and painful. At least now Jing Shao is not a ruthless dog anymore so next time his wifey will probably enjoy it (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  18. First. I love all the fujoshi and fudansi servants. Lololo. Zhi Xi jijie specially, fufu. And we have now little Yun.

    Btw, I am wondering, when Jun Qing calls Jin Shao, ‘Shao’ is it originally Shao-er? Hehehe.. bec if it is, thats just cute. 😚☺