The Wife is FirstCh11 - Villa


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Translator's Note

  Info on taels of silver:

Translator's Note

Translator's Note

A pike is kinda like a small spear I guess

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  1. Thanks for the chapter 😊

    Song Lingxin, I spit on you! Pei! 😡

  2. Thank you for the update.
    Sometimes you write Jing Hao instead of Jing Shao.
    I didn’t think Song Lingxin would be so brave to ask schedule for bedtime…

  3. Now it start the harem drama with the concubines making it difficult for the official wife?🤔
    I’m glad to se JS in good term with his guards/subjects.
    Thanks for the chapter

  4. Thank you for the update. I’m so glad someone took it up again. I was really scared that it would be dropped

  5. Thanks for the chapter!! Cant wait for them to discuss the peony book.

  6. Yay for another chapter! (*^▽^)/

    • Hahaha JS becoming the equivalent of a boogieman to kids
    • Yikes, JQ’s family doing the most… So that explains why his mother gave him a huge sum of cash
    • Song Lingxin’s pretty gutsy yeah. As for that peony book, I guess someone has to bring it up to the wang fei anytime soon.
    • Hoho, what are those annotations about?
  7. Thank you for the chapter! ♥️

  8. Thank you for the chapter. I love how cute the lead couple is. <3

  9. GRACIAS por el esfuerzo que dedican a cada capitulo.

  10. What are those annotations? Hmmm.

    Even If the concubines try to use that agenda to divide their time with Jing Shao, he’ll not be willing. Fufufu

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. ‘ Jing Hao reined in his horse to slow down his speed, and happened to hear this sentence, could not help but knit his brows.’ Should ‘jing hao’ be ‘jing shao’ here?

  12. Just sharing an fyi (pardon my bored mind) – a pike is longer than a spear, typically with a reinforcement at the opposite end. Spears can be thrown, pikes can’t. Also pikes are used against infantry and on horse back ( like a lance ).

  13. but i doubt there’s someone else other than jun qing who could warm jing shao’s bed. madam song, you could wait on your own bed by yourself