The Wife is FirstCh103 - Cutting Off All Avenues of Retreat


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  1. I don’t think that the emperor is trying to test his sons but just want to protect JC bc out of all the sons JC have the most potential for the king position.

    anyway i can’t wait for the last 2 chapters. it’s saddens me to know that this novel is coming to an end but also excited to see the ending. this is my favorite bl novel by all means

    anyway thank you for the update. it’s was perfect for Valentines

  2. I don’t think that the emperor is trying to test his sons but just want to protect JC bc out of all the sons JC have the most potential for the king position.

    anyway i can’t wait for the last 2 chapters. it’s saddens me to know that this novel is coming to an end but also excited to see the ending. this is my favorite bl novel by all means

    anyway thank you for the update. it’s was perfect for Valentines

  3. jing shao has hanzang, huanian king has jing chen, and 4 altogether, china will bow down

    lucky all of them nice strong and smart people

  4. Oh no we are approaching the end of this amazing story, I’m so sad!!

    But I’m going to re-read it as soon as it’s completed of course.

    Thank you for this chapter, it was amazing as always ♡

  5. Thanks Dan dan! We were all patiently waiting for this !

    It is good to see this time around Jing Shao is seeing the whole situation more rationally, and no less credit goes to the wife! His proactive stance is much better than being the sitting duck one lifetime ago – and – Gu Huaiqing is not hiding anything now with regards to Jing Chen!! Jing Shao you gotta be dense if you can’t catch on what’s going on now between the two !

  6. If he’s still in power, would Emperor Father accept “Forced to marry my brother” as Jong Shao winning against Gu Huaiqing 😄? Seriously I hope he’s ok and lives to join his first (favorite) Empress’ sons for some green plum wine occasionally.

  7. Thank you very much for this Valentines day gift, translator-sama! Aaaaa so great and everything’s really just ramping up!

  8. When I first read about the order that Emperor gave to Jing Chen, about the poison, and given the effects of the poison is death because of heavy bleeding while delivering the babies, the only thought that comes to my mind is : It’s maybe something related to the Late Empress and the Emperor wants to digs out about this case…

    But, now, I’m not really sure, because of the imperial edict…


  9. Thank you for the chapter and beside from the unexpected event …. I feel bad for the soldier in the battlefield who ‘fighting hard’ while their commander play around 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. I’m with Jing Shao. Too much political intrigue makes my head hurt. But I do enjoy watching Jing Chen and Mu Hanzhang outplay their opponents. Thanks for the chapter!

  11. Thank you for translating this!! Shit is hitting the fan right now, I can’t believe it!! But another part of me is all heart eyes at how Gu HuaiQing was 100% ready to protect his man. Just tell the Emperor that Gu Huaiqing will surrender his area as long as he can marry Jing Chen lol. But for real tho, things are getting crazy and intense. I bet the Empress poisoned him >_> that horrid woman

  12. It just blows my mind why anyone would want to be emporer with all the trouble that comes with the job. You can’t trust your brothers, you can’t trust your sons and even most of your concubines have hidden agendas plus all your courtiers are probably scamming your money away.

  13. Gu Huaqing, Jing Shao and the tiger have one brain cell in common but they are so loyal, it is impossible to not love them ❤ The plot is getting so interesting and I am full of questions and also, Jing Chen dont treat your hubby like that, he is worried for you.

  14. Nearing the end of the novel, would just like to say I’m happy the emperor here isn’t some power hungry dude who thinks his sons are out to get him.