Traveling Through Ancient Times To Be a ShopkeeperCh1 - A Dilapidated House

Chapter 1: A Dilapidated House

What happened? arVfi6

Where is he?

Wei Cheng digested the memory of the original owner as he lay back on the bed helplessly.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

A car accident made him travel from modern times to ancient times. It’s unreal, but it’s the truth.

The Dajing Dynasty- a dynasty that he has never heard of. YEKkHr

From the memory of the original body, he was in the Dajing Dynasty, in Jinzhou, and in the suburbs of Nanshan County. Why it was referred to as a suburb and not the countryside, there was also a reason.

After the national power of the Dajing Dynasty grew stronger, as the soldiers and horses also grew stronger, Nanshan County developed a commercial economy, and Jinzhou became the capital of a prosperous state. Nanshan County is adjacent to Jinzhou and relying on the prosperity of Jinzhou, the commercial economy of Nanshan County became more and more prosperous, and the population and residents are constantly increasing. In order to make the economy of Nanshan County more prosperous, the county has to be expanded and doubled- therefore the inner county and outer county were established. The original suburban market shops were included in the outer city. Houses and poor villages originally built on the basis of suburban markets and shops have become suburban areas.

After the original market shops were gone, they were re-established in the newly established suburbs, and of course, as the government expropriated the original market shops so they had to compensate the people displaced.

Back then his uncle lived in the outer county, but now he is in the inner county.


His mother and father opened a small shop in the market area. After the expropriation, in addition to making up for the small shop in the new suburb of the county, they could also move into the outer city to build a new house and become an official county resident.

The original owner’s parents still have a mud-and-tiled house in the suburbs, which was built after the original owner’s parents opened a shop in the suburbs. Because it was built far away, there was no expropriation. After the original owner’s parents moved to the new house in the county, their suburban home has been ruined by the wind and rain.

The original owner was supposed to live in the county town with his parents, but he has a dull personality and only knows how to work. He planted several acres of land in the countryside at home, and no one in the family helped him.

The work was one full of mud, dust, and sweat, and the clothes he wore were all rural work clothes, and there was nothing extra. He was disliked by his family, and they refused to let him live in the county town. He was asked to go back to his hometown to work and live in an old house in the countryside. He could occasionally return to the county town to live with them as long as he had no work to do in the fields. e7swNZ

Later, when his eldest brother got married and had a son, his parents simply told him not to go back to the county town, and his room was given to his nephew Wei Dabao, or used as a guest room for his sister-in-law’s relatives when they came to live.

The original owner had no objections as he would listen to whatever the family said.

It’s just that the original owner had already reached the age of marriage, and the family arranged for him to get married. His sister-in-law tried to instigate his elder brother to propose a separation. His elder brother refused at first because he was his own younger brother after all, but he was finally persuaded because of his son.

After all, the older brother can’t let his younger brother live in the countryside all the time when he gets married, and without separating, he will be gossiped about. If he comes back to live in the county then they won’t have any spare room, but after the separation, he won’t have to bear the expenses of his younger brother’s marriage and childbirth, and he can have extra money to train his son to study and take the imperial examination. GBygYI

His parents also considered it and decided to separate the second child.

But they can’t split up without him getting married.

The division of family property was unfair. The house in the county seat is allocated to the eldest brother, and the eldest brother supports his parents, so it is reasonable to give it to the eldest brother, the country house has only been repaired, and the parents also occasionally return to the countryside to reminisce about the old life, and the house there will be the parents. The family’s shop in the suburbs is only twenty or thirty square meters, which is the family’s source of income, so it is given to his eldest brother, who is the eldest son.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yo atf fluta jmgfr bo ijcv lc atf mbecagsrlvf, akb jmgfr kfgf jiibmjafv ab atf qjgfcar, jcv atf gfwjlclcu rlz jmgfr kfgf vlnlvfv fdejiis yfakffc atf akb ygbatfgr. Ktf tberf atja atf bglulcji bkcfg kjr jiibmjafv kjr atf tberf atja kjr yelia cfjg atf qfglqtfgs bo atf wjgxfa ktfc atf qjgfcar kfgf vblcu yerlcfrr lc atf wjgxfa. Ktf bcf atja tjv yfmbwf j vlijqlvjafv tberf. YrKg0n

Oh, there was still the ten taels of silver.

There are still a few rooms in the suburban house. The house has two rooms, a kitchen outside, and a yard, and there is less than an acre of vegetable-growing land outside the house.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The house was temporarily built when his parents started a business in the suburban market, and the materials used were mediocre. After so many years, since his parents moved to live in the county town, no one lived in it, and it was never repaired.

The house was not only old but also dilapidated due to the wind and rain, the yard was overgrown with weeds and the walls of the yard were damaged. YmS Vz

After the original owner was separated, he moved to live in this house and was busy working in the countryside all day long. The country house was uninhabitable, so he went back and forth between the two sides. He was very tired every day. There was no time to tidy it up so it was not good to live in.

The original owner was not without sadness. He also understood that his parents were partial to his elder brother- he knew that he was dull and covered in dust, and his clothes were incompatible with his parents.

Now his parents will still help him marry a wife, and when they have children then his life will be settled.

It’s just that the original owner’s blind date where he went with full expectations was met with disdain from the blind date, his parents scolding him, his sister-in-law’s eyes looking at him in disgust- he was a disgrace to the family, and he felt even more uncomfortable now that he knew no one wanted him. VlB3rY

When he was not yet twenty years old, no one cared about him in the village, his parents never thought of marrying him, and he was too dull to mention it. He also secretly liked a girl in the village but was hated by the girl he liked, he beat and scolded him, making him even less confident and inferior in his heart.

On this blind date, he not only experienced being disliked, but he also faced the situation of being disgusted by many people so the original owner ended his life without thinking about it.

After that, he became Wei Cheng whose soul passed through- their names were even the same, maybe it was because of this reason that he was reborn into this shell.

Before he was reborn, he was also admitted to university from the countryside, and he was able to endure hardships and work hard. After coming out to work, he went through hardships and beatings from society. The jobs he has done range from being a street vendor to opening a store, from opening a store to opening a company, and the industries he was involved in are all in the basic necessities of life. eTA 7Q

Later, when he was introduced to someone, he was already in his thirties- considering that he had a stable career, he finally had a girlfriend, and then he was betrayed. The girlfriend teamed up with a good brother of his to cheat him of money and planned to annex his company. He accidentally found out about their plot and how they planned to have him killed. But now, after a car accident, he found that he was not dead but instead living a new life.

Although he died, all the property in his name had been willed before, part of which was given back to the village he grew up in, and most of the rest was donated.

In the beginning, he thought about changing his will after getting married, which would save him trouble.

Fortunately, he had not yet had sex with the woman, otherwise, he would have died of disgust- thanks to his birth in the countryside, the countrymen were conservative, and he had seen his grandparent’s love his whole life so he also wanted to find a loving other half of his life. 7m6cEQ

His grandparents passed away, his mother passed away, his father doesn’t exist—

After being given another chance to live again, he doesn’t dislike the current situation anymore.

Wei Cheng belongs to the people who have the mentality that even when the sky falls, as long as the heavens still have a way for him to go, as long as he is still alive, he will take advantage of the situation to live his life well.

The Dajing Dynasty did not suppress businessmen, and the status of merchants also rose after the development of the commercial economy in the Dajing Dynasty, and businessmen were not afraid of being suppressed because of having a low status. gd2SjR

He graduated from a university, majored in science, and was not suitable for being a scholar. He has been working and doing business for more than ten years so the most suitable thing to do for him is to do business.

This house can be inhabited, but the smell of moldy dust and mud inside is very heavy, and the original owner has never cleaned up, so he packed up a bed that no one has slept in for several years to sleep in- for a person who is used to cleanliness and tidiness, Wei Cheng finds this unbearable, but it can only be left for tomorrow if he wants it rearranged and cleaned.

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The family has given him more than ten taels of silver, which is a lot of wealth for those in the countryside, and few households in the country can save so much money.

A dozen taels are not enough to renovate the house, he has to make a living and earn money before he can repair the house. rICv7J

While thinking about these things, he threw the quilt aside, and he planned to change the quilt tomorrow…

The smell of sweat is so heavy…

He fell asleep despite his thoughts.

The next day, Wei Cheng woke up early, he came back from fetching water after eating breakfast and started cleaning the house inside and out. He cleaned what should be cleaned, threw what should be thrown away, tidied up what should be tidied up, and the grass in the yard was weeded out, otherwise, there will be leftovers until Chinese New Year. 8fWwX6

There many things that were inconvenient to do in ancient times, that is, going to the well to fetch water. It took a lot of effort for him to fetch water back and forth, but fortunately, this body is capable of working hard.

After a busy day, the neighbors stretched their heads out of curiosity, and Wei Cheng didn’t care about keeping his work silent. As for the neighbors, they could look at him as they liked, and discuss them as they liked. Anyway, the house is separated by the yard, and the vegetable field is separated. There is still a certain distance.

He is satisfied with this, modern people like privacy.

He was busy until noon but when he was done the house had a new look and was much tidier. w4WGVq

After stopping, he felt very hungry, so he stopped cleaning and ran to the market to buy. Since the new market moved, his house was not far from the market, and it was also included in the suburban area, but there is no city wall here. The surrounding made it convenient for country people to come to the market to buy and sell things.

Houses outside the suburbs are also seen, but homesteads and fields are very expensive. There are many mountains here, and there are no paddy fields. Hundreds of households in the suburbs have reserved land to grow vegetables. The rest think it is useless, and no one buys fields. There is a lot of wasteland.

Wei Cheng lives in the most marginal place outside the suburbs, facing mountains and wasteland, nothing special, his house is not far from the official road for business travelers.

He already has an idea. 2bctJU

Now he needs to fill up his stomach first.

The market is neat and the roads are wide enough for horse-drawn carriages. Both sides are lined with one-story shops. This is the main road. At a glance, there are very few two-story shops. There are no hawkers on both sides of the main street. Stalls, and small vendors all set up stalls on the street behind, it is very lively there.

The store owned by his parents is on the right of the main street, and he will go to the food stall on the left side, in the opposite direction, so there is no need to meet them.

On the left side, there are not only food stalls, but also small merchant stalls. Some are placed in the shops, some are placed outside the shops, and some are placed in the corners to sell vegetables. There are all kinds of food stalls, coming and going, and there are many people in the countryside. sdydRE

Wei Cheng found a wonton restaurant and sat down.

“Boss, a big bowl of meat-stuffed wontons!”

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“Okay, sir, wait a moment!”

After a while, the boss brought over a large bowl of wontons. The people sitting next to him all ate small bowls, and some even shared a small bowl between two people. Wei Cheng’s big bowl of small wontons attracted the attention of other tables. 8OaYgi

A 40-year-old aunt dressed as a countryman, with her 6-7-year-old grandson, cursed sourly “His clothes are poorer than mine, and he dares to slap his own face and pretend to be rich and eat a big bowl of wontons, bah!” The tone was full of jealousy.

After all, she couldn’t afford it, so she shared a bowl of wonton with her grandson, and her grandson took up the whole bowl and refused to save some for her. She ate less which made her more bitter as she spit out venomous words.

Wei Cheng still wore the original clothes, which were pale from washing, and there were traces of mending, and his face still had the decadent look of a hard worker in the country. Even if his body was not stooped, he still looked like a poor man.

A bowl of small wontons is only five cents, and a large bowl is eight cents. It is normal for rural people to be paid thirty cents a day. If it is less, it is still gonna be more than ten cents, but it must be a hard life. dMd56D

Wei Cheng’s big bowl made it seem like he was pretending to have money and slapping his own face.

Wei Cheng only cared about eating his own food, a big bowl of wontons filled his stomach, and he was instantly satisfied.

This is what’s good in ancient times, the food is all-natural, no MSG added.

He gave the copper coins readily, and then left! fP07g8

There are always gonna be dogs who look down on people no matter where he is.

Why should he bother with them?

Next, he will go back home to take a nap.

What is missing at home, what needs to be used, and what clothes need to be bought can be done when he wakes up. FqciYz


Translator’s Note:

Hello everyone, this is Tokki’s Archives (previously aprilauguste) and we are a group of translators and editors here to bring you translated stories- today we started on 5 new projects and hope that you support us.

  SY L1z

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  1. Poor orginal host :< This novel looks very interesting! Can’t wait to read more~

    Thank You for the chapter (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡

  2. So that’s why!! I was wondering why were there suddenly soooo many new novels at CG. Thank you guys for your translations 💗.

    I’m so happy. I have read nearly all the bls I liked on CG and was worried about my future which seemed bleak without them. Although my bf and brothers might not be happy 😁, now they’re going to have to tolerate me giggling like crazy again. Unfortunately, even if one of my brother is gay, not one of them shares my passion for bl novels. Not even my brother’s soon to be husband, why!! 😭😭.

    • Oh!! Congratulations 🎉 to you bro & his bf!

      Well I can’t say same because my gay friend are quite interested and share quite few different comics, novels, fan-fics with me which is good. But they do have more emotional fluctuations due to relatable or unrelated nature of fictional and discrepancy between reality and fiction maybe 🤔.

      Still it good to see acceptance. It make me very happy 😁!

      Thanks for the translation!!!

  3. oh no i feel so bad for the original wei cheng 🙁 i hope he moved on to a better next life. thank you for the chapter!💖