The Sword Named No Way OutChapter 54.1

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  1. This story gets more and more convoluted, more and more interesting. I think Huaishang is a talented webnovel author. I hope my expectations are met and the resolution of all these happenings is worthy of our waiting.

    I had to stop a tear from my eye at the line “It’s stuck….I have to nudge it every time.” Beautiful line, beautiful set up, beautiful post-shadowing.

    Again, thanks for the translation. It’s gotten so hard to wait a week between chapters, with the plot pace hastening and the scenes described so lovingly.


  2. Ah ah ah!! I want Gong Wei to know that Xu Bai knows his indentity!! Gong Wei, cmon taje off the vest, nobody who counts believes it anyways;

  3. Hauntingly beautiful and sad, shadows and dreams and illusions, spider silk and an enemy getting closer… Thanks for the skillful translation ❤️

  4. Xu knows everything but is also learning more while enjoying the small play gong Wei is putting on this is bullying I tell you! Bully him more 🤧