The Sword Named No Way OutChapter 17

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Translator's Note

Essentially a piece of music played on the guqin that forces the listener to submit.

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  1. That was the most beautiful wedding ceremony I ever read about. All the corpses and blood and body parts lying around. Truly lovable lololololol But srsly XST, don’t try to force someone else to marry you, tsk tsk tsk xD

    I’m looking forward to the aftermatch of this disaster lol

    Thx for the ch (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)

  2. Ying Kai is there, time for Gong Wei to reveal himself! Just in time, someone undoubtedly was going to notice Xiang Xiaoyuan woke up at the same time as them but didn’t seem to appear in the illusion… On the other hand, Gong Wei’s “I’m so simple, no thoughts, definitely a projection” abilities are pretty high haha. I have to wonder if what Xu Shuangtze considers scariest is attacking Gong Wei or the realization that his “love” was Gong Wei and that he still felt as much in the real world, especially given his cultivation path

    Thank you for translating! <3

  3. I really wish I could see anything to like or admire about Xu Shuangtse, but I like him even less than I did before the last couple chapters. The only saving grace it that he thought he was forcing an illusion. His disregard for the other two says a lot.

  4. ahhh, they’re all here now!! but aww, poor xu shuangtze. he’s willing to stay in the illusion because that’s the only way for him to “see” gong wei and marry him, even if it’s not real.

  5. Could it be that when Gong Wei raised his hands to block the sword of XS, XS saw the bracelet he had given to his ‘wife’ in illusion ( if that’s even possible)?

    Thanks for the chapter 🤍