Thriller Tour GroupChapter 31.1


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Translator's Note

couple trees:

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Junyans: pingpng: tfw my headache is very cheerful

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xishi when she was heartsick: a beautiful woman morbidly worried about her looks

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Junyans: yes, that’s what it means to be someone’s twin 😑

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female chicken crowing at daybreak: a woman usurping authority (in a patriarchal society context)

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According to Taoism, and the Chinese, women have more Yin energy, so they are more prone to bumping into supernatural activities, while men have more Yang, having the energy to curb Yin.

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Junyans: what the FUCK

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little threes: homewreckers, the third party in a relationship…etc. xD. It’s just an insult, honestly.

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This has nothing to do with racism. “African” originated from gaming communities referring to unlucky people as having “black hands.” (Ps. this black hands does not refer to a black person, but just the colour.) From there, describing a person as black/unlucky evolved into using “African,” with their luckier counterparts referred to as “European.” (Cr: Quora)

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  1. Silly WX. I know you want to fight but you always have to confirm the kill! Even if it cost more points, you gotta give it the double-tap! A quick double-tap never hurt anybody! Well, other than the person or thing being double-tapped.

  2. Don’t go forward if you are not sure if it’s death. Or just simply finish it off from distance.

    Thank you for the chapter

  3. WTF is this youth love story unfolding in front of my eyes?!! Aahhhh it burns! MY EYES!!! [Dying.JPG]

    WTFx2 bruhh.. what’s this? I never knew that the ancients can also be so unrestrained with choosing their marriage partner.. I-☠️

    Thank you for the chapter!~💕