Thriller Tour GroupChapter 20.3


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Translator's Note

urge to jump to Mars: it’s just a descriptor, lol, describing how anxious he is.

Translator's Note

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  1. Holy Shi- dang no wonder they all reacted like that… The picture already looks scary yet they even have so many corpses gnawing the plank roads down and chasing after them too (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;)

    Looks like Wei Xun gained another Loyal dog.. how many is it now? 4 I guess? Welp there should still be more in the future LMAO ╮(╯▽╰)╭

    Thank you for the chapter!~ 💕

  2. Oh f*ck!

    That plank road in the note…Now I know the reason that boy was so scared!! I didn’t have the perfect image in my mind about the road until now, ngl if I was in his place, it wouldn’t take me a second to faint.

    Thank u for the chapter!

    Looking forward to your early update!

  3. Aaaaaaaw I want more of our tour guide lll-9🤗. I honestly love everything about him 😍

  4. What a good chapter! The ml hasn’t shown up, but honestly I could read about Wei Xun travels all day. This is truly a powerful protagonist!

    Thanks for the translation!❤️❤️❤️

  5. I m very late but I wonder how these plank roads even exist! I mean who would have made these plans roads and how