Thriller Tour GroupChapter 20.2


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Translator's Note

Crossbow: It was censored, but I am guessing it may be a crossbow.

Translator's Note

Injected with chicken blood: It means someone is very excited.

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  1. A new version of the Knight in shining armor= The Devil in tattered clothes

    so the ‘***’ should be the one who spoke to Wei Xun the first time he arrived here right? the one who let him replace Guide III-9? tho I’m not sure if it’s the original III-9 himself or some other unknown entity who could also possibly be the ML.. welp things just got interested~

    thank you for the chapter! 💕


  2. Thank you for the Chapter. Wei Xun being motivated by chasing thrills like a little pyscho has to be my favorite aspect about him as an MC.