The King's ReturnCh255.1 - Mojue VS Interlude

translator: Oyen

After the first round, Ye Chao quickly concluded. “Because Qin Mo banned all the secret books of group teleportation that Su Cheng liked, Interlude team had to use the long-range kite flow tactics, but unfortunately, they still failed to break through the iron triangle defense formation of He Beiguang, Zhu Qingyue and Li Muran. On the contrary, Su Cheng was killed by Han-Mo instead.” Dt40dz

“It is really difficult to deal with this defensive formation.” Liang Ru added. “There are shields, arrays and healings. I think if an assassin breaks through the back row to interfere with Qingyue and Muran, will it be a little better?”

Ye Chao nodded in agreement. “That’s right. Qingyue and Muran are standing in the distance in this round. No one can hit them, and they simply use their skills at ease. If there are assassins, swordsmen, such as close interference players to interrupt their big move casting, the defense chain of Mojue will be broken, so that they can find the opportunity to kill Han-Mo. However, Interlude team mostly has a long-range career, and it is very difficult for pure long-range teams to play with a defensive lineup. In the next round, Su Cheng should adjust his strategy.”

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But the next round was Mojue’s home game. Even if Su Cheng wanted to adjust his tactics, it depended on what mode and map Qin Mo would choose. If the map chosen by Qin Mo was extremely unfavorable to them, it was not so easy for Su Cheng to play the transmission flow tactics.

Qin Mo chose ‘Escort Mode’ in the second round, sending out the same lineup as the first round, still He Beiguang in the front row, the auxiliary Qingyue plus Muran’s healing of ‘Iron Triangle’ defensive formation, and then with Han-Mo these two mobile outputs. This lineup was undoubtedly the best plan for the defense mode of ‘Escort Mode’. Qin Mo had no problem with such a choice, but the fans at the scene were a little unhappy. After all, Qin Mo used this lineup to beat Interlude in the first round, and it was like ridiculing at his opponent in the second round. FQBa20

Of course, Su Cheng knew that Qin Mo didn’t ridicule them. As captain and commander, Qin Mo just made the most rational choice.

The map of the game was a mass grave, which was beyond Su Cheng’s expectation.

The mass graves map did not appear many times in the league, not because of how complicated the map was, but because the atmosphere of this map was too gloomy. From the background music to the color of the map, it was completely the style of horror films, and strange cries came from time to time in the ears, which made people’s backs tremble.

The map might scare some timid online game players, but it would have little impact on professional players.


One of the biggest features of mass graves map was the map monster.

In ‘Escort Mode’, as the escort team advances, the dead souls buried in the grave along the road would be awakened. These ghosts were initially in a state of no hatred, that is, they would not actively attack the player or the escort, but they would curiously follow the escort team forward. However, once they were attacked, they would fight back frantically.

Seeing this map, Ye Chao couldn’t help laughing. “Qin Mo is so bad! I can’t believe he chose a map of a mass grave to guard the escort team. In order to rob the escort, Interlude must hit the escort team, and they have many long-range group attack careers. Once captain Su launches a sound wave group attack to attack the fierce ghosts around them, it will be too much to bear!”

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Liang Ru sighed. “I didn’t realize that if you want to target a team with more group attack careers, the map of mass graves is just like Bug!” wdryXp

Ktlr wjq kjr cba nfgs foofmalnf jujlcra atf qbkfgoei afjwr remt jr Gscjras, Qlatbea Mlgf jcv Mgbra Zbbc. Lbkfnfg, atf yluufra ofjaegf bo Pcafgievf afjw kjr atja la mbeiv jaajmx lc j ijguf gjcuf jcv gfvemf atf bqqbcfca’r tfjiat. Ve Jtfcu’r kfjqbcr tjv j vlrajcmf ybcer, jcv atf gjcuf bo rbclm kjnf jaajmx kjr jirb atf klvfra lc atf ifjuef, atf fzlrafcmf bo j ijguf cewyfg bo olfgmf utbrar lc atf wjq, jr kfii jr atf mtjgjmafglralmr bo olfgmf utbra kjr nfcufoei jcv mgjhs joafg yflcu tla kbeiv ugfjais ilwla tlr qfgobgwjcmf.

Seeing this map, Su Cheng was quite helpless. He had long found that in the map library of this league, the greatest threat to the Interlude team was the selection of this map grave in ‘Escort Mode’. In the previous few weeks of competition, no one of his opponents chose this map to target. Su Cheng was lucky at that time. Unexpectedly, against Mojue today, Qin Mo actually chose this map.

Fortunately, Su Cheng had foresight. Since he found that this map was a great threat to Interlude, he took his team members to practice and cooperate repeatedly on this map. Qin Mo chose this map, which did not make him panic, it made him very confident instead.

Su Cheng immediately sent a team lineup—— in this round, he sent a more extreme lineup, two from each Luoying Valley’s jade flute flow and guqin player, and one Fangcao Hall’s poison master—— a full-range violent output formation. Such an output lineup, as long as it could focus on attack, was usually killed in second to the one they stared at. WenS67

“It’s another spear and shield battle.” Ye Chao gave a comment. “On one hand is the explosive output, while the other hand is a tough defense. It depends on whether Interlude breaks the defense of Mojue first, or whether Mojue blocks their attack.”

“In fact, Qin Mo used this pure output lineup before.” Liang Ru replied. “It was also when he was in the offensive side in ‘Escort Mode’. Mojue’s five outputs killed the escorts in a wave of attacks to win. But Mojue’s pure output lineup is more comprehensive, with melee and long-range. Interlude’s lineup is more extreme, using all five long-range, If this is unsuccessful, it will be a dead play. The defense of five long-ranges is too fragile, as long as Xiao Han and Qin Mo control them close, they are easy to  be destroyed.”

“There’s no way.” Ye Chao replied. “If they play with a more comprehensive lineup, they may not be able to break through Mojue’s defense. It is better to try a violent play that does not care about life and death, it’s just you die or I die, a straightforward way.”

At this moment, the option box for banning secret books appeared on the big screen. In this game, it was Su Cheng’s turn to ban secret books. He decisively banned the three group control secret books, such as ‘Tall Mountains Flowing Waters’, ‘Bodhi Mantra’ and ‘Besieged on All Sides’. Because all Interlude’s players were outputs, if they were being controlled, their lineup would collapse easily. flwS32

As he grabbed the first secret book, Su Cheng decisively chose ‘Waning Light’, which could teleport the whole group with a huge mechanical lantern.

Seeing this, Qin Mo knew that Su Cheng was likely to play transmission flow in this round. He had long expected Su Cheng to do so. However, he was not worried because this map had great restrictions on Interlude. Even if Su Cheng went to play transmission flow, his hope of winning Mojue was less than 40%. Therefore, Qin Mo was very calm to choose the secret books he wanted to use, and did not deliberately aim at Su Cheng’s transmission flow.

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Finally, after the captains of both sides finished choosing the secret books, Interlude took two secret books with teleportation effect: ‘Waning Lights’ and ‘Moonlight Illuminate Water’, as well as control effect removal ‘Clear Heart Mantra’, the single target attack secret book of ‘River Sunset’ triggering instant death effect, and the group attack secret book ‘Makeup in Autumn’.

The reason why Su Cheng didn’t take control secret book was that the two musicians in the team had quite a lot of control skills, so there was no need to waste the limited secret books just for the control. h9iSFz

On the contrary, Qin Mo took a lot of secret books with lower attacks but with control, such as the group attack with deceleration in ‘Merging Water and Sky’, the group attack with fear in ‘Scattered Chessboard’, and the group attack with silence in ‘Sword Rain Fragrance’. In addition, He Beiguang took the group damage immunity of the ‘Vajra Sutra’, and Muran also took the group healer of ‘Questioning Heart Sutra’.

Their idea of choosing secret books was very clear, Su Cheng maximised the teleport+attack, while Qin Mo maximised defense+control.

After confirming the secret book, both sides players respawned in the mass grave map at the same time.

The mournful music and the weeping sound of malicious spirit was heard, making the live viewers send out the ellipsis, and many fans covered their ears. Professional players could choose to turn off the map scene music and listen only to the voice of the commander, Qin Mo did so. Moreover, the director deliberately showed his first perspective, and the audience happened to see him open the setting panel and turn off the music. hsjKme

“Are there Qin Mo’s fans in the live broadcast room?” Ye Chao made a joke. “Although your god Mo is usually very calm, in fact, he is quite timid, he is afraid of ghosts.”

Fans: “……”

“I heard when he was in Wind Colour club ,several players especially liked watching horror movies, and they got together to watch them after training in the evening. Qin Mo hid and dared not read them every time.” Ye Chao continued to reveal. “Today, in order to play the game, it was really difficult for him to choose this kind of map. However, the god Mo is still very witty, as soon as he enters the map, he turns off the sound effect of the map directly.”

The fans couldn’t help spamming the screen: “Momo has always been timid. He was scolded and cried many times by god Ling. Every time he saw god Ling, he was terrified!” upjJIq

“Unexpectedly, he would be afraid of horror movies? The so-called aloof and cold man?”

“I don’t know if god Han likes watching horror movies~”

The live broadcast room began to happily discuss which horror movie was good, but at the game site, Qin Mo still looked serious, and quickly led the players to the escort team’s respawn point.

The escort route on the map of mass graves was not smooth, and there were messy graves everywhere on both sides of the narrow road. With the passing of the escort team, disturbed dead bodies were constantly crawling out of the graves. Seeing this scene, Xiao Han couldn’t help asking. “Are you okay?” SGxTdh

“No problem.” Qin Mo replied calmly.

In order to deal with Interlude team, he had been walking around the mass graves map alone for the past few days. At the beginning, seeing countless zombies and ghosts crawling out of the grave, he would be scared. Later, when he got used to it, he didn’t feel anything about these things. Instead, he felt that the appearance of these little zombies hopping and walking was very funny.

Interlude team’s players did not appear at the escort’s respawn point. Qin Mo looked around—— there was only a charred tree and a few scattered graves, which was not suitable for the whole team to ambush. Obviously, Su Cheng did not want to attack the team directly. He did not come to escort team’s respawn point. He should observe the situation of the zombies halfway before deciding when to start the team battle.

Since Interlude’s players didn’t show up, Mojue escorted the escort team and began to march to the finish line. djGov

Along the way, more and more small monsters were awakened. When the escort team reached nearly half of the escort route, the long-range output team led by Su Cheng finally appeared in sight!

A series of ellipsis appeared on the live broadcast platform, and the audience was shocked at the moment. Even Ye Chao and Liang Ru couldn’t help but open their mouths and couldn’t speak…

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Because, behind the players led by Su Cheng, there were actually a large number of ghosts!

Seeing this scene, a loud alarm rang in Qin Mo’s heart. g0qKU

A large number of ghosts brought by Su Cheng didn’t attack anyone. They just blocked the escort team’s way.

It was only then that Ye Chao realised that Su Cheng was going in the opposite direction—— he took his team members from the escort team’s finish line, and in turn, he advanced to the starting point, attracting all the monster along the way, so that the monsters of the whole map would be concentrated in the middle, and the concentration of a large number of monsters would certainly hinder the progress of the escort team and buy them more time.

Thinking of this, Ye Chao couldn’t help praising. “Captain Su’s response is really powerful! He went to the opposite, fight to live in the dangerous situation!”

“Although he successfully blocked the escort wagon with the monster, making it impossible for the escort to move forward,” Liang Ru replied. “How to deal with this group of monsters is also a very thorny problem. As long as he attacks, the characteristics of sonic wave attacks will transfer the hatred of the monsters to him! On the other hand, Xiao Han can kill the monster alone and help the team of escorts to find a way.” ep8k G

Sure enough, as the two commentators said, Xiao Han acted immediately, and the blood dagger in his hand was raised decisively to quickly kill the two monsters in front of the escorts. Although these monsters’ attack was very strong, but they had less health, Xiao Han started to use his dagger, in a twinkling of an eye killed five monsters, Qin Mo was also beside him, both of them quickly helped the escort team clear a way.

The escort team began to move forward slowly, but at this time, Su Cheng suddenly made moves—— White Snow on a Warm Spring Day, Autumn Moon Over the Han Palace!

With the soft guqin sound, a green sound wave instantly covered the area of 22 metres, which not only caused damage to the escort team and all Mojue’s players, but also caused damage to the surrounding fierce ghosts!

The fierce ghost attracted by the sound wave turned around at the same time and pounced on Su Cheng. dk0up4

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  1. Didn’t expect Qin Mo to be afraid of these things. Lmao, he’s really cute~~!

    Why are these ghosts also attacking Su Cheng? 🤔

    Thank you for the chapter 💜💜💜

    • such a cold Qin Mo is afraid of ghosts 🤣

      Because Su Cheng’s area attacks? So all the ghosts will attack him.

      You’re welcome~ ❤

  2. This is a “how much attack power is needed to break the mojue defense lineup” match. I think su Cheng is pulling aggro to lead them away