The King's GameCh48 - [QiLing XIII]

Tiger father and dog son, all the guests who heard Wei Xing’s words couldn’t help but lament for the Wei clan. They had heard that the son of Wei family was a dandy, but they didn’t expect that the other was spoiled to this extent.

The Xiuzhen aristocratic clans in the fairyland all wanted face. Even if the strength of the opposite side was not better than their own, the Wei clan couldn’t make an arranged marriage to the young lady in front of them without a word from Wei Xing and the Wei clan knew that Miss Xu didn’t want to get married, but the Head of the Xu clan agreed, the two were totally different in nature. R2GXmw

“Shut up.” Even though he spoiled his son, the head of the Wei clan’s face was ugly at this time, and his voice was stern.

But in fact, even if the head of the Wei family didn’t open his mouth to reprimand him, Wei Xing didn’t dare to speak any more now, because after speaking, he suddenly felt like he fell into an ice cave, locked in by some kind of terrible force and unable to move.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Marry? There was no expression on the faces of all the spirits present. They showed their most serious attitude and did not hide their hostility.

Could he afford it. It was not a question. The spirit clan didn’t consider this possibility at all from the beginning. WL43Yd

Xie Yan’s sword movement could be said to be quite slow. If it was a person who had fought with him, they would get the same feeling. There was no sense of aggressiveness in the sword move made by the other, it seemed like he just flicked the long sword lightly, but when they faced it, they would find that they had no way to avoid it.

Wei Xing was feeling this way now.

There was no chance for anyone to react.

Xie Yan’s body didn’t move from his spot, and he sent out his sword Qi to the youth of the Wei clan who just made the false remark.


If it didn’t stop, he would die. The cultivators who saw this sword qi understood this fact at the first time and would die if they blocked it. No one in the Wei family except the head of the Wei clan had the idea of ​​blocking this move for Wei Xing at this time. And the head of the Wei clan, even if he had the heart to protect his son, found that he was helpless.

This sword Qi came so fast that it hit without anyone noticing.

In the face of the sword Qi, Wei Xing was so stiff that he could not even tremble. His eyes widened until the sword Qi passed his neck and cut off a bunch of his hair. It took a few seconds for him to react. He shuddered and retreated several steps. He could not make a sound when he opened his mouth.

His body was on the verge of collapse due to extreme fear. djiBn4

Xie Yan didn’t say a word, but even so, no one dared to question or dissatisfy him now.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Pa’r jirb atf olgra alwf ab tfjg Wlf Tjc’r rfio jrrfgalbc. Dfmjerf tf ofia atf abb mbiv jawbrqtfgf, Xe Lejl ufcais qeiifv fjmt batfg’r riffnfr jcv rlifcais abemtfv tlr tjlg.

Ciatbeut tf tjv cb wfwbgs bo atf ijra kbgiv, Wlf Tjc ralii lcralcmalnfis qea j ijyfi bc atf ybs ja atf olgra wffalcu, tf kjr j nfgs lwqbgajca agfjregf obg tlw.

In recent years, the relationship between the two was still simple and close. CLb8vT

Compared with the last world, he didn’t know how to express his love At most, Xie Yan only knew how to lower his head and peck Gu Huai’s cheek.

Xie Yan was still suffering from his poor words, but now someone directly said in front of him that he wanted to marry the youth. Some people wanted to rob the precious treasure that was in his hands. Naturally, this ancient spirit knew it could not be allowed

However, the sleeves were pulled by the youth, Xie Yan still slightly lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and the killing intent withdrew.

Everyone was still alive. They had seen the sword of the spirit. Under the absolute power gap, all the members of the Wei clan could’t have any confrontational thoughts at this time. They didn’t have any extra thoughts except to be glad that they didn’t try to attack. jnomxw

Not dying didn’t mean it was OK. From the perspective of the spirits, they knew that the sword of their Leader did not just cut a bunch of hair of that person.

That sword cut off the spiritual line of Wei Xing.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

As for the spiritual line, most of the cultivators of all ethnic groups except the spirit clan only knew of its existence, and they didn’t know it very well. However, the present spirit clan knew that it existed in the soul. Wei Xing’s cultivation in this life would no longer progress, and would gradually fall over time.

It had the same effect as eliminating the spiritual root, but there was still a line of possibility to repair the spiritual root when it was removed, but there was no hope to repair when the spiritual line was cut off. p40wAt

Originally, there were countless elixirs in the clan. Wei Xing’s accomplishments could be raised to an extremely high level. However, in the future, even if the head of the Wei clan doted on his son, it was impossible for the rest of the ethnic group to accept a young head whose accomplishments fall below the level of immortal, to succeed him.

After seeing this scene, Xu You, who was standing between the two teams, saw clearly the current situation even after she had just returned. It was the spirits who were really in a strong position, it was not the Wei clan who had many people.

But in either case, she had responsibilities as the initiator of the incident.

“I know that admitting a mistake can’t solve the problem. I’m ready to take the consequences.” She was not an ignorant person. Xu You knew from the sword that the identity of the spirit was not low. FNlSmT

As the involved party, she was very likely to get the two clans or the whole fairyland into trouble.

“If you can calm down, i am willing to accept the punishment of Jiayan.” It took a lot of determination to say this sentence.

Since she came back to accept the responsibility of her mistake, Xu You put her attitude very low at this time.The punishment of Jiayan. Hearing this word, all the cultivators of the human race could not help paling slightly. It could be said that this was the most severe punishment in the human world.

This punishment wasn’t to kill the other party, nor a severe punishment, but a more difficult punishment. 1oHVIW

They abandoned their cultivation and spiritual roots, and were sent to the secular area.

The secular area referred to the area where ordinary people without spiritual talent lived in the small world.

The rare elixir that could repair the spiritual root may not even be found in the whole world. A cultivator who’s spiritual root had been removed and was put in the secular area, that would undoubtedly completely break the other side’s possibility of recovering.

After being used to being an immortal, he was reduced to an ordinary person who would live, grow old and die of illness. This situation was unimaginable. yLXdsZ

He was no longer being held. Gu Huai didn’t open his mouth to forgive or excuse Xu You after he said this, because he knew his position at this time.

He really didn’t know how angry he was at the act of binding him as a substitute, but Gu Huai also knew that this was because he knew that his spirit clan would recognize him and save him. If he spoke straight, he had people to rely on.

In other words, even if the other party came back and pleaded guilty to being punished, the fear and the resulting anger would not be easily offset.

The incident could only be dismissed by those who bore the consequences, and the most appropriate one was Xu You who returned to the wedding banquet. The cultivators of all the ethnic groups present were basically humans, which of course came to mind immediately . mGWeXD

“Then let them carry it out.” After a while, the head of the Xu family said, “the Taoist friends on the site can be supervisors.”

It was not appropriate to take the initiative to forgive first, but after the other party assumed the responsibility, Gu Huai could show the attitude of no investigation as the other party would like, “We will not pursue this once it is over.”

Please support our translators at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

After the farce had a result, the spirits didn’t want their little master to stay, and directly went back to the spirit world with a large array.

The little master was scared. If Gu Huai said he wouldn’t investigate, the other members of the spirits wouldn’t stop so easily. gSZJmt

At this time, Gu Huai’s bridal dress was still in place, so after he returned to the spirit world, the spirits who stopped planting flowers and weaving wreaths surrounded him fiercely.

There was no such custom of worshipping and getting married in the church, but this didn’t prevent the spirits who had lived for hundreds or even thousands of years from knowing this custom.

The young master of their clan was wearing bridal clothes, and they had not yet learned about this experience from the spirits who travelled with him. The spirits who stayed in this spirit world were staring at their young master who looked very beautiful.

But this wedding dress aroused the old father / mother’s mentality of these spirit clan. At this time, the young master of their clan was just wearing it casually. One day, their young master would marry someone. K8SVjC

The person who got married to their little master must go through some very careful care.

They thought so, it was true that on that day, the group of spirits found that they couldn’t afford to take care of that person.

In the Xiuzhen world, the spirits worshipped by the various clans of the human race were all in the spirit world at this time. Both receiving and lending power were through the stone statues offered by the clan as the medium, and being called appeared as a distraction.

The Xu’s and Wei’s, a clan of cultivation, of course worshipped the Royal spirits. These two spirits did not join the travelling team because of this identity. It was impossible for them to continue to accept the sacrifices without hesitation after learning about this trip experience from their peers, but this was something later. TWA1ds

At this moment, these spirits were slowly leaving because of the look on the face of their Leader.

When the spirits around him left, Xie Yan continued to look at the youth without blinking, without moving his eyes.

When he was stared at by a group of spirits, Gu Huai didn’t feel anything, but now he was stared at by Xie Yan alone silently. Instead, he felt a little unnatural and couldn’t help but hide his low cough.

Like his clumsy expression, Xie Yan raised his hand to break a peach blossom branch, like the first time he met the youth, he carefully handed the branch to the young man, “Flower.” aAIKQX

It was different from their first meeting. After Gu Huai reached for the flower branch, Xie Yan then said different words.

“Ah Huai, nice to see you” The pale and handsome ancient spirit lowered his head slightly, and his eyebrows and eyes, which were usually very cold, were also slightly lowered, and he was fixed on looking at the youth in front of him.

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  1. ” Ah Huai, nice to see you ” – does it mean that Xie Yan remembered their sojourn in the previous world?

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. Poor Xu and Wei family, but yes even if you plead guilty, you already done the deed. There’s no way the spirits will forgive you easily. And that pig youngmaster lol lol congrats !

  3. omg! Is XY remembering? QAQ

    Thanks for the great chapter and tl.

  4. xie yan is possibly the cutest ml i’ve ever seen, tied with the ml from ghosts know and another one that i cannot quite remember

  5. I kind of missed the part why they went to that wedding in the first place and suddenly it grew into this. It feels like it misses parts of the text tbh or just descriptions are kind of.. dunno, it tests my comprehensive abilities that’s for sure. And do adjectives exist in Chinese? Like e.g. staring without blinking and moving, isn’t that just fixedly? There’s really no need to repeat same stuff in adjacent sentences too. Like Chekhov said ‘Brevity is the sister of talent’. It’s pretty good advice to flip through quotes left by classics for any writer. It’s just me asking rhethorical questions about the author though.
    • It’s because MC asked about the outside world’s affairs and got told by (forgot the name/title) that there’s a marriage, which the spirits aren’t going to attend (want to look at MC more rather than looking at unimportant festivities). MC then decided to go (because curiousity, since he’s a writer, etc). He then wandered around, became a substitute bride, then fight (not really), and came back. As long as you don’t skim through, you shouldn’t have miss it.

  6. Sending my heart via comment (because the heart button is sick and resting at home) kisses for the wonderful translator, thanks for the chapter!😘💗🙏

  7. Thx for the chapter.

    ahem it seems to me the humans from arc1 are luckier their are still generals even after taking the king from his subjects and lover and even got promoted…. (♥´∀`)/(✪ω✪)/♡(*´ω`*)/♡

  8. that bitch should have gotten a worst punishment!! Hmph!! Absorb wretch, dare drag innocent into your mess!!🤬🤬

  9. I am thinking of how unfortunate the Xu girl is. She is going to bear the brunt of the blame when her mistake was only the culmination of the selfishness of the men around her. But anywho… our beautiful a-Huai!

    • Totally agree with you. I don’t know why Chinese novel always deliver harshest punishment to any female characters. Like, do all these authors hate female characters or what? Even the small mistake they do, they always end up in terrible fate. Besides, i see a lot of unrealistic and mean comment for this Xu girl. One comment even called her wretch bitch and so on. And most of these commentators is girl themselves. Like, do you hate your own kind? Weird.

  10. I feel for the girl… Sometimes i wish that the MCs could just think a bit more and help the people out. I dont understand why in most CNs the MC and the rest never help out others aside from their own people. I know what the girl did was wrong but she was desperate and usually when people are desperate you do stupid stuff. And MC knows that no matter what the occasion, his “gang” would help him out, while the girl was alone and yet still came back knowing her freedom was going to be taken away. I know that people would say in real life would you help a person out after they screwed you over, and honestly, I would be hella angry but I would also try to understand their side as to why they did it. Especially this type of reasons. I feel like these MCs have a very warped idea of right and wrong. Just because you are legally in the right to do nothing doesn’t mean its the right thing to do. kinda sad yet another MC who falls into the category of a cold heartless person who does a morally wrong thing by justifying his actions as legally right. He didn’t pull the trigger but he sure did watch on as the girl got shot.
    • Let say, a guy accidentally killed your closed relative. Then he came back saying, “I’m sorry. This is all my fault. Please forgive me. It was an accident. I shouldn’t have done that and this wouldn’t have happened. Can you forgive me? ”

      What will you do?

      There’s more. You have been invited as a guest, you are expecting warm services but instead you got kidnapped mistakenly. Precious family were looking for you, worried sick and all, and now the kidnapper says, “It was a prank, we’re sorry. We were mistaking you as someone else. Can you forgive me? ”

      In this case, during your time being kidnapped your father was hospitalized due to shock and had a heart attack. What would you do?

      Oh there’s more! Just so you know, the MC isn’t only thinking about himself. With his identity as the little master, he is the front of the Spirit realm. He cannot show any weakness. In fact, lol, he’s already giving mercy to the girl. If the wedding were successfully, what do you think will happen to Wei Clan? I bet the clan would vanish without a trace because of the girl’s mistake. In Chinese novels, this kind of mistake knowing it would result into a grave situation is unforgivable. The mc is just doing what is right for his Spirit Realm. The mc’s personality is clear. He won’t necessarily be a saint just to forgive a girl who have him dirty.

  11. My liking for Gu Huai just went up the roof.. he’s calm and rational when making decisions.. he’s kind and good but not a holy father and knows what’s right and wrong. Most importantly, he treasures his family well whether it be in the last life or at the present ( ꈍᴗꈍ) He’s a well seasoned protagonist who have a balanced.and humane personality.. I Stan such a man 🛐

    • The comments.. hmm no 🍵

      As I said he was being rational. Yes she was guilty and admitted her wrongs but the deed has already been done, if the spirits hadn’t noticed and stopped the wedding in time, what would have become of Gu Huai then? I am not being sexist, even if it’s a guy I would feel the same too ah.. He’s not relying on his men, he knew they were there for him and would not let him be harmed, but the initial panic and fear of having suddenly been tied down and forced to be someone and replace them on marrying a person whom they don’t even know of would undoubtedly be horrifying. I don’t hate the girl, I even admire her bravery and honesty of admitting her wrongdoings. But just because Gu Huai agreed to the decision they made of exiling the girl, does not! in any way, make him heartless! Please people.. some of the Cannon Fodders are undoubtedly pitiful, but at least also consider the MC’s feelings and thoughts at that time before making such claims..

      Also, the punishment is already severe enough and there’s no need to do nor add anything more, so please (I’m doing uno reverse) consider the girl’s situation and not speak of such things. Being selfish isn’t a sin. And depending on the circumstances and the things she have done, it doesn’t make her a btch either. They’re all human in essence (both Gu Huai and Her), they make mistake here and there, but she’s one of the people who chose to repent and embrace the consequences without backing down. A person like her does not deserve to be labeled with such a vulgar title..

      apologies for offending anyone with my words, but I am not, nor can I take back the words I have already wrote.. it can neither be deleted or edited.. make do with it.

  12. Gu hai’s poor reaction is a big disappointment. They deserved punishment. I don’t like how he handled things. Those clans deserved to be punish. Or ay least at the surface level to appease the other spirits.